Sad Love Story.

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Bill sat there, his emotions a turbulent storm, as he listened to the muffled sounds of Gustav and Georg's voices in the distance. Their words, although indistinct, were laden with frustration and disappointment directed at Tom. It pained Bill to hear his brothers at odds, especially in a time when he needed support the most.

Feeling overwhelmed by it all, Bill retreated to the bathroom, the familiar sanctuary offering a temporary respite. His back against the door, he sank to the floor, the weight of the situation crashing down upon him. Tears streamed down his face, silent sobs wracking his body. The pent-up emotions that had been festering within him found release, the anguish of not being able to reach Jordan, the performance anxiety, and now, the conflict with his brother.

"I hate to admit it," Bill whispered to himself, his voice trembling with vulnerability. "I've lost myself here."

Every critical word, every disappointment, it all seemed to culminate in this moment. He felt like he had let everyone down, including himself. The pressure mounted, the weight of expectations crushing his spirit.

Clutching his phone tightly, Bill unlocked it, greeted by a photo of a beaming, carefree Jordan. It was a stark contrast to the turmoil he was currently engulfed in. The sight of her happiness, frozen in a snapshot, only intensified his sorrow, triggering an avalanche of tears. His fingers trembled as he traced the contours of her smiling face on the screen, a bittersweet reminder of what he was missing.

Inside the bathroom, the voices of Tom, Gustav, and Georg seeped through the door, carrying with them a tense air of confrontation. Bill, sitting on the other side, listened intently, the strain in their voices apparent even through the barrier.

"You can't be serious, Tom! You were out of line," Gustav's tone held a mix of exasperation and disbelief.

"Yeah, what the hell, man? Bill's dealing with a lot right now," Georg added, his voice tinged with frustration.

"I was just trying to push him! He's gotta get his act together," Tom retorted defensively.

"And you think being on his back like that's gonna help?" Gustav countered sharply. "He's struggling, can't you see that?"

"He needs support, not more pressure," Georg interjected firmly.

"I know, I know," Tom relented, the tension in his voice softening. "I just... I don't know how to help him."

"By being there, not adding to his stress," Gustav urged, his words carrying a sense of urgency.

"He's your brother, Tom," Georg said, his tone more solemn. "He needs you now more than ever."

Bill sat there, his heart heavy, as the conversation outside unfolded. Hearing his brothers stand up for him warmed his heart, yet the pain of their discord weighed heavily on him. He wished he could tell them to stop, to reassure them he would be okay, but his own distress kept him locked in a silent sanctuary, feeling utterly helpless and alone.

As Tom stood outside the bathroom door, a wave of guilt washed over him. He knew he had to make things right with his brother. He took a deep breath, mustering the courage to address the situation.

"Bill?" Tom's voice was soft, tentative. "It's me, Tom. Can we talk?"

On the other side of the door, Bill's voice was strained, thick with emotion. "What do you want, Tom?"

"I... I just wanted to say I'm sorry," Tom began, his voice laced with remorse. "I shouldn't have pushed you like that. I was out of line."

There was a moment of silence before Bill responded, his voice trembling. "I'm not doing so good, Tom. I'm just... I'm so undone right now, and I can't handle it anymore."

Tom's heart ached at the raw emotion in his brother's voice. He leaned closer to the door, his own voice laced with concern. "I know, Bill. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to add to your stress. I should have been there for you."

"I miss her so much, Tom," Bill confessed, tears streaming down his face. "And it's eating me up inside."

"I know, I know," Tom replied, his voice filled with empathy. "I should've understood that. I'll do better, I promise."

There was a moment of shared understanding between the brothers, separated by a mere door but connected by their emotions. Tom wished he could reach through the barrier and comfort his brother.

"Can you unlock the door, Bill?" Tom asked tentatively.

Bill hesitated for a moment, then with a click, the door slowly opened. Tom stepped inside, finding Bill sitting on the floor, his shoulders shaking with sobs.

Without a word, Tom sat beside him, pulling Bill into a tight embrace. They stayed there, in that vulnerable moment, the weight of their unspoken words and shared emotions filling the space between them. In that embrace, Tom silently vowed to be the support his brother needed, to mend the hurt and be there through the storm Bill was weathering.

Bill sat there, his head nestled on Tom's shoulder, seeking solace in his brother's presence. His voice trembled as he broke the silence, sharing the weight that had been suffocating him.

"I miss her, Tom," Bill murmured, his words choked with emotion. "I miss those damn eyes."

Tom remained silent, letting the weight of Bill's words hang in the air. He could feel the ache in his brother's voice, the longing for the person who meant the world to him. He gently wrapped an arm around Bill, offering what comfort he could.

Bill's mind wandered back to the moments he and Jordan shared—her eyes sparkling with laughter, shining with affection, and brimming with the depth of their connection. He remembered the way her eyes would light up whenever she talked about her passions, the fierce determination that glinted in them, and the tenderness they held when they looked at each other.

"They were so... alive," Bill continued, his voice tinged with a sense of longing. "I felt like I could lose myself in those eyes, you know?"

Tom nodded in understanding, realizing the profound impact Jordan had on Bill's life. He could sense the depth of their bond, the intensity of their connection that transcended words.

"I'm scared, Tom," Bill confessed softly. "Scared that this distance will change everything. That I'll lose her."

Tom tightened his embrace, feeling the weight of his brother's fears. "You won't lose her, Bill. Your love is strong, and so is hers. You'll find your way back to each other."

The vulnerability in Bill's voice tore at Tom's heart. He wished he could take away his brother's pain, erase the distance that separated him from Jordan, and bring back the joy that had once filled Bill's eyes.

As they sat there, the weight of the moment hung heavy in the air, the bond between brothers offering comfort in the midst of turmoil. 

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