Heart made of glass, Mind of stone.

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Bill's POV

the flurry of words from my bandmates reverberated around the room, I could barely register their shock, their confusion. Their words came in a cacophony of noise, mirroring the tempestuous emotions that were currently coursing through my veins. Gustav's eyes were wide, mirroring my disbelief. Georg stared blankly into space, his normally gregarious face devoid of color.

"Jordan..." Tom's voice trailed off, the heaviness of his words suffocating the room. His gaze met mine, revealing a maelstrom of emotions that perfectly echo my own. We had always been able to understand each other without words. I saw fear in his eyes, a deep-set dread that was far too profound for our innocent escapade to the café.

I looked down at my trembling hands, unable to meet anyone's gaze. Suddenly, the silence was shattered by the piercing chime of my phone. I grabbed it instinctively, the cold metal seeming harsh against my skin. A rush of anticipation and anxiety consumed me as I saw an unknown number flashing on the screen.

I felt as if my heart was being squeezed, and my breath hitched in my throat. I had been waiting, hoping for a text from Jordan for so long, and now, out of nowhere, amid chaos, a message.

However, as my eyes darted across the screen, a chilling realization swept over me. It wasn't Jordan. It was Emily. Her name felt like a poison seeping into my veins. It was surreal, like a twisted nightmare I couldn't wake up from. As my eyes traced over her words, the world around me seemed to stop. The silence was a stark contrast to the bomb that had just exploded in my life.

My stomach turned violently, a terrible dread pooling in my gut. Emily was back. Jordan was gone. The dots connected themselves in a horrifying pattern. My heart pounded like a drum, reverberating with an eerie echo of my fear.

My mind swirled with images of Jordan - her smile, the sound of her laughter, the light in her eyes. The message on the toilet paper, the terror in her gaze as she handed it to Tom. Everything was starting to make a terrible, dreadful kind of sense.

I turned to my bandmates, their faces pale and concerned. The weight of my realization felt like an anvil on my chest. My voice was barely a whisper when I finally managed to choke out, "It's Emily. She's back." The room was silent again, as the horrifying truth sunk in. Emily was back, Jordan was in danger, and we had to find her before it was too late.

the bandmates exchanged terrified glances, I felt an icy shiver run down my spine. A bleak reality was closing in on us, and the sheer enormity of it made my head spin. I clutched the piece of toilet paper in my hand, the scrawled message seared into my brain. It was like a terrifying cipher; the key to it was Jordan.

"She wrote it in eyeliner," I stated, my voice strained and trembling. My fingers traced over the hurriedly scrawled letters, every word a scream for help in the silence. Her house. But that couldn't be right. I had been there, I had felt the empty, cold silence that had permeated the walls. If she had been there, I would've known... wouldn't I?

Georg broke the silence, his voice slicing through the thick tension in the room. "It doesn't make any sense if she's asking for help, how come she's still walking all the runways and on covers of magazines?"

A surge of anger washed over me at his words. Didn't he see it? The fear in her eyes, the panic etched into her every move. "Don't you get it? She's being forced to not stand out, take a look her smile ain't the same, there is horror in her eyes, and she's scared shitless," I snapped, my voice echoing around the room. The images of Jordan from recent fashion shows flashed through my mind - her smile was gone, replaced by a shell of her former joy.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐥 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳Where stories live. Discover now