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Bills POV 

I slowly opened my eyes, the morning sunlight streaming through the curtains, illuminating the room. As my consciousness awakened, I couldn't help but glance at my phone, hoping to find a message from Jordan in response to my Instagram DM. However, my heart sank when I saw that the message remained read, no response.

Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that her lack of response didn't necessarily mean anything. It was entirely possible that she had been busy or hadn't seen the message yet. I reassured myself, knowing that the circumstances were beyond our control and that rumors tend to spread without reason or intention.

Gathering my thoughts, I decided to leave the issue aside for now. It wasn't worth dwelling on, especially considering our brief encounter. We were still essentially strangers, and it was understandable if she felt hesitant or uncertain.

With a determined mindset, I embraced the new day and continued with my routine. Later on, Tom came over, bringing with him his infectious energy. We decided to go live on Instagram, eager to connect with our fans and share some lighthearted moments. As Gustav, our resident tech-challenged bandmate, struggled to get the live stream to work seamlessly, the situation turned into a comical mishap that had both us and our fans laughing.

As we interacted with our fans, the comment section became a flurry of activity. Questions of all kinds flooded in, creating an engaging and dynamic atmosphere. However, amidst the jovial atmosphere, some fans began asking about the gossip they had heard regarding me and Jordan from the previous night's television program.

Initially, we tried to brush it off, focusing on the positive and entertaining aspects of the live stream. But as more and more people in the comments joined the chorus, their curiosity grew, making it impossible to ignore the elephant in the virtual room.

Feeling a mixture of emotions, I took a moment to compose myself. I realized that this was an opportunity to address the rumors directly, to acknowledge them without giving them more power than they deserved. With a determined mindset, I addressed the questions with grace and honesty, assuring our fans that rumors often have no basis in reality and encouraging them to focus on our music and shared journey.

As the live stream continued, the atmosphere gradually shifted, and the fans began to redirect their focus toward our upcoming projects and shared excitement for what lay ahead. It was a testament to their loyalty and understanding, reminding me of the support that surrounded us.

At that moment, I chose to focus on the positive, to cherish the genuine connections we had with our fans and the music that brought us all together. The rumors may have cast a temporary shadow, but I was confident that, with time, the hype about it would die down as there was nothing to it. 

We kept the live going a bit before saying goodbye to our fans. 

"You hungry? I think I'll die if I don't get something now." Tom being all dramatic said.

"I swear how can people call me the dramatic Twin? I swear you've got them under some sort of spell, if only they knew how you behave behind a camera." I shot my brother a look  

"CAN WE PLEASE JUST GO OUT AND GET SOME FOOD BRO" He threw himself on the sofa

"Okay okay jeez, let me just get a hoodie or something," I said going upstairs into my bedroom and finding something to put over in case it was cold. 

I went downstairs again only to find Tom had already gone out, I guess we're taking his car then. I swear this man is still a child, out of everything he could get, he went to a place only to get fries like?? boy, weren't you hungry as hell?

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐥 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳Where stories live. Discover now