Low Blows To The Stomach

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As the morning sun streamed through my bedroom window, I found myself jolted awake by the sound of splintering wood. Confusion clouded my thoughts as I struggled to make sense of the chaos unfolding before me. Adrianna, standing at the broken-down door, her eyes filled with rage and disappointment.

"Bill, what the fuck?" she seethed, her voice a crescendo of anger. It took a moment for the weight of her words to register. My heart sank as I realized what she must have discovered. The events of the previous night flooded back to me, and guilt washed over me like a tidal wave.

Before I could gather my thoughts, Adrianna unleashed her fury upon me. Her words cut deep, each syllable a sharp blade piercing my already wounded soul. I wanted to explain, to defend myself, but the weight of her accusations held me in silence. 

"Bill, what the fuck, you lay here and cry to me about how hurt you were about the whole Jordan thing, then I find out you go spending your time with your tongue down her throat? WHILE she's in a relationship, what kind of a man are you Bill?!" she screamed at me

In my hungover state, my head throbbed, making it difficult to process her tirade. Frustration welled up inside me, pushing back against her anger. "Adrianna, chill out, will you?" I retorted, my voice laced with irritation. It was a feeble attempt to deflect her wrath, but I couldn't muster the energy for more.

She didn't back down. Instead, her anger intensified. The words she hurled at me struck like lightning bolts, electrifying the air around us. I responded impulsively, throwing a low blow in a desperate attempt to defend myself. I immediately regretted it.

"Jesus Adrianna chill out would you, it's not like you perfect either," I said back. 

Her response was swift and filled with hurt. She reminded me of the support she had given me, the tears she had wiped away, and the compassion she had shown. I knew deep down that she was right. I had taken her for granted, taking solace in her presence while disregarding the consequences of my actions.

"that's a low blow and you know it, Bill, I was there for you, I'm drying your tears and this Is what I get in return" 

"well nobody fucking asked you to Adrianna! you chose to do so by yourself, you're a grown woman as I am a man, very capable of making their own decisions! stop acting so holy, it was a stupid mistake made by two very intoxicated people not the end of the world" 

In the heat of the moment, I lashed out, trying to shift the blame away from myself. It was a futile effort, a feeble attempt to salvage my wounded pride. The room fell into an uneasy silence as Adrianna stood before me, her expression a mixture of disappointment and resignation.

Adrianna stood there a second before speaking again. "you know what? you're right, from now on, keep your shit to yourself I don't want any part of it, and you know what? when your heart gets broken by Jordan don't fucking come to me, I won't help you"

With a final declaration, she stormed out of my room, leaving me to confront the aftermath of my mistakes. Regret washed over me, heavy and suffocating. I knew I had crossed a line, that I had hurt someone who cared for me deeply. But the resentment lingered, the belief that she had no right to invade my space and unleash her anger upon me.

As I lay there, the weight of my actions crushing me, I couldn't help but acknowledge the damage I had caused. The rift between us felt insurmountable, and the realization that I had severed a vital connection in my life left me with a hollow ache.

In the aftermath of our confrontation, I knew I had to confront my shortcomings, to take responsibility for the pain I had inflicted. I had lost the support of someone who had been there for me, and it was a painful lesson in the consequences of my reckless behavior.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐥 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz