Drunk People Are The Most Honest.

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Bill had grown annoyed with the whole Jordan situation, she had tried to fool him and it worked, so he didn't want to embarrass himself further so he didn't respond to all her texts with apologies and explanations of why she had done what she did, instead he focused on himself and the band, they had been working day and night on the album, now that it was out, they were promoting it like crazy and tonight another interview on a popular channel. 

Bill POV

As the interview progressed, I tried my best to focus on promoting our album and keeping the conversation light. But deep down, the annoyance and frustration from the whole Jordan situation still lingered within me. I couldn't believe she had tried to fool me and play with my emotions. It stung, and I didn't want to embarrass myself any further by engaging in her apologies and explanations.

Instead, I shifted my focus onto what truly mattered – myself and the band. We had poured our hearts and souls into creating the album, working day and night to perfect every note and lyric. Now that it was finally out, we were fully committed to promoting it like crazy, seizing every opportunity that came our way.

Tonight's interview on a popular channel was just another step in our promotional journey. It started off fine, with the usual questions about the album and our creative process. But then, out of nowhere, the audience had a chance to ask questions and one girl directed her inquiry specifically at me.

"Are you sad that Jordan doesn't see you as more than a friend?" Her question hit me like a slap in the face, catching me off guard. The room fell silent, and I felt the collective gaze of the band and the audience upon me. I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts and summoning the strength to respond.

"No, I'm not," I answered firmly, my voice carrying a hint of resolve. "We clearly had different expectations and interpretations of our connection. When it became clear that we weren't on the same page, i made the decision to cut off contact. It is what it is."

The room nodded in understanding, and I sensed a wave of support washing over me. I did not intend to dwell on the disappointment or allow it to define me. I knew my worth and refused to let someone's actions or perceptions dictate how I felt about myself.

We continued with the interview, focusing on our music and the exciting projects ahead. And as the conversation drew to a close, we had a surprise announcement to make – we were going on tour! The words spilled out of our mouths, and the room erupted with cheers, screams, and applause. The joy and energy in the air were electrifying, drowning out any lingering traces of frustration or hurt.

At that moment, I realized I had an incredible support system beside me – my bandmates, the audience, and our dedicated fans. Their enthusiasm and belief in us fueled my determination to keep pushing forward, channeling my emotions into our music and performances.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise, frustration, and curiosity as Jordan made her way towards me. I exchanged a knowing glance with Tom, silently communicating that I needed a moment to talk with her. As the rest of the band continued on, I turned my attention back to Jordan, who greeted me with a hesitant "Hi, Bill."

"Hi, Jordan," I replied, my tone reflecting the complicated emotions swirling within me. Her presence brought back a flood of memories and unanswered questions, and I couldn't help but question her motives for approaching me now. Before engaging further, I needed to address the elephant in the room.

"How have I been?" I repeated her question, a touch of incredulity in my voice. "Really, Jordan? After everything that happened, you're asking me how I've been?"

Jordan's blush deepened, and she seemed momentarily taken aback by my directness. Her eyes darted around for a moment before she gathered herself and met my gaze. "I... I know I messed up, Bill. I never meant to hurt you or lead you on. It was a confusing time for me, and I made some mistakes."

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