In My Room.

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there goes a few days by before Bill finally managed to get a hold of Jordan finding out she was in Malian, but got home later that day, so they decided he should just go over to her house in like 2-3 hours, and she would be there in a few hours her sister would let him in. 

Bill POV

I stepped into Jordan's house, taking in the modern and beautiful surroundings. It was evident that she had a keen eye for aesthetics, as hints of her favorite color, lilac, adorned the space. However, as I glanced around, I noticed the absence of any family photos or personal touches that would indicate a strong connection to her family.

As I settled onto the sofa, trying to make myself comfortable, I was caught off guard when Emily, Jordan's sister, sat down next to me. Her proximity was far too close for comfort, and I could feel her thigh touching mine. A wave of unease washed over me as I observed the way she was looking at me. It was as if she had ulterior motives or intentions that made me uneasy.

Trying to steer the conversation away from the uncomfortable situation, I spoke up. "So, your sisters, huh? I didn't know. Jordan never really mentioned family to me," I said, hoping to keep the conversation light and non-confrontational.

Emily let out an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes, clearly showing her discontent. "Yeah, she doesn't like us that much," she replied with a bitter undertone. "She's just entitled and a damn prude."

Her words caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief. How could someone speak ill of their sister, especially to someone they had just met? It seemed inappropriate and uncalled for. I chose to remain silent, not wanting to fuel the negativity or engage in a conversation that would further strain my connection with Jordan.

Emily quickly shifted the topic of conversation, redirecting it towards herself. She spoke at length about her own life, seemingly oblivious to my discomfort or lack of interest. I found myself nodding along and offering the occasional "yeah," "hmm," or "yes" in response, all the while waiting for Jordan to come home and save me from this awkward encounter.

The minutes dragged on, and each passing moment only intensified my yearning to see Jordan. Her absence felt like an eternity, and I longed for her comforting presence. I couldn't help but wonder what was keeping her away or if she was aware of the strained atmosphere in her own home.

As Emily continued to ramble, my mind wandered to memories of Jordan and the genuine connection we had developed. I thought back to the times we had shared, the laughs, the deep conversations, and the comforting hugs. It was moments like those that reminded me of why I cherished our friendship and wanted her in my corner at all times.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the sound of the front door opening brought a surge of relief. Jordan had arrived. I eagerly turned my attention towards her, hoping to find solace in her presence and escape from the uncomfortable situation with her sister.

As Jordan entered the room, her eyes met mine, and a warm smile spread across her face. At that moment, all the tension and unease seemed to fade away. I couldn't help but feel a sense of reassurance and comfort wash over me. The sight of her was like a balm for my weary soul.

"Hey, Bill," Jordan greeted me, her voice filled with genuine happiness. "Sorry, I kept you waiting. I'm glad you're here."

I returned her smile, relieved to see her. "No worries, Jordan. It's good to see you too," I replied, grateful for her presence. "I've missed you."

As Jordan joined us on the sofa, the atmosphere shifted. Her arrival brought a sense of familiarity and ease. It was as if her mere presence had the power to mend the tension that had lingered in the room. At that moment, I knew that being in Jordan's company was where I truly belonged.

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