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Tom was worried about bill,
"Bill please talk to me, I know your hurting" he said to his brother holding his shoulder pulling him into his chest.
" I don't know Tom. What if this is her way of dumping me? I just knew it was too good to be true, I'm just destined to never find love." Bill broke down into the arms of his brother

Tom held his brother tightly, feeling the weight of Bill's pain and uncertainty. He knew how deeply Bill cared for Jordan and seeing him in such despair tore at his own heart.

"Bill, you can't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault," Tom reassured him, his voice filled with compassion. "We don't know what's really going on. There could be more to the story than we realize. Jordan wouldn't just disappear without a reason."

Bill sniffled, trying to regain his composure. "But why wouldn't she at least reach out to me? I'm so scared, Tom. Scared that she's gone for good and I'll never get to see her or hold her again."

Tom held his brother's face gently in his hands, forcing him to meet his gaze. "Bill, listen to me. We won't give up on finding out what happened to her. We'll do everything we can to bring her back, to get answers. And even if the worst has happened, know that you are loved, and you will find love again. Don't lose hope."

Bill nodded, tears still streaming down his face. He appreciated his brother's support, but the pain of uncertainty was still overwhelming. "I just miss her so much, Tom. I can't bear the thought of never seeing her again. I don't know how to move forward without her."

Tom held him even tighter, offering a silent embrace of comfort and solidarity. "Take your time, Bill. Grieve, but don't let it consume you. We'll find a way through this together. And remember, love doesn't always come easy, but it's worth fighting for. If it's meant to be, she'll come back to you. Have faith."

Bill clung on to Tom.

The boys had taken bill out to eat, and in the cafe the boys walked in, was Emily, Marcus and of course Jordan, but they had put Jordan in a ridiculous outfit so nobody recognized her.
She instantly noticed the guys. Now was her chance, the only chance she'd get.
She convinced Emily
To let her got to the bathroom alone without Marcus as a standing guard outside. She made her way inside and waited for another lady to walk in, and when she did she hurried to ask her for something to write with, the lady found a black eyeliner in her bag, Jordan took it and wrote on toilet paper, "Tom help me! She tried to fit as much as she could on the paper without it breaking. She wrote a little of the Situation down and for him to get her help, she was a prisoner in her own house.
Jordan gave the lady the eyeliner back, and went outside, she saw Emily and Marcus was looking the other way, and slowly and discreetly walked over to Tom and the group bumped into Tom, taking his hand not to fall down,
"Hey you okay? Watch where your goin?" She just looked at him, took his hand and gave him the paper then hurried back to Emily who was now getting pissed over how long Jordan had taken.

Tom was taken aback by the sudden encounter with the mysterious woman who had slipped a piece of paper into his hand. Confused and curious, he unfolded the paper to reveal the urgent message scrawled in black eyeliner. His heart raced as he read Jordan's plea for help and the revelation that she was being held captive.

Without hesitation, Tom excused himself from the group, explaining that he needed to use the restroom. Once inside, he carefully read the message again, his mind racing with thoughts of how to help Jordan without putting her in further danger. He knew he couldn't act alone and needed to involve the rest of the band.

Returning to the table, Tom tried to hide his anxiety as he rejoined the group. He glanced over at Bill, who seemed lost in his own thoughts. The weight of the situation weighed heavily on Tom's shoulders, but he knew he needed to remain calm and devise a plan.

As the meal progressed, Tom discreetly passed the note to Gustav, who read it with wide eyes. A mix of shock, concern, and determination filled their expressions as they realized the gravity of the situation. It was clear that they had to act swiftly to rescue Jordan and ensure her safety.

Tom caught Bill's gaze and subtly nodded, silently conveying that they had received Jordan's message. Bill's eyes widened in a mix of disbelief and relief, but he understood the need for caution. They couldn't risk tipping off Emily and Marcus, who seemed oblivious to the unfolding drama at the table.

The rest of the meal felt agonizingly slow as the boys exchanged glances and made plans through subtle gestures and nods. They needed to find a way to gather more information, devise a rescue plan, and contact the authorities discreetly.

As the group prepared to leave the cafe, Tom leaned in closer to Bill and whispered, "We got her message, Bill. We're going to find her and bring her back. Stay strong, my brother."

Bill nodded, a mix of determination and fear in his eyes. He trusted Tom and knew that they were in this together. As they walked out of the cafe, the boys became a united front, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their mission to rescue Jordan and bring her back to safety.

Jordan's heart raced as she was confronted by Emily and Marcus about the encounter in the bathroom. She knew she had to think on her feet and come up with a convincing explanation to protect herself and avoid raising further suspicion.

"I didn't do anything!" Jordan protested, her voice quivering slightly. "I just... I had an upset stomach, that's all. I was feeling sick in there."

Emily's eyes narrowed as she noticed the black smudges on Jordan's hand. Her voice dripped with anger and suspicion as she interrogated her sister. "Don't lie to me, Jordan. What were you really doing? Who did you try to contact?"

Marcus chimed in, his tone laced with frustration. "Enough with the games, Jordan. You're only making things worse for yourself. You better start telling us the truth, or else..."

Fear gripped Jordan's heart as she realized she had to be careful with her words. She couldn't afford to reveal her true intentions or put herself or anyone else in further danger. With a forced calmness, she responded, "I swear, I didn't try to contact anyone. I was just feeling unwell, and the smudges are from the makeup I was wearing. It must have rubbed off on my hand. Please, you have to believe me."

Emily and Marcus exchanged skeptical glances, but Jordan's explanation seemed to pacify them, albeit temporarily. They continued their journey home, but the tense atmosphere lingered.

As they rode in silence, Jordan's mind raced with thoughts of escape and finding a way to reach out for help. She had to find a way to communicate with someone she could trust, someone who could rescue her from this nightmare.

The investigation on the way home only intensified her fear. Every move she made was scrutinized, and she knew that one wrong move could have dire consequences. She had to bide her time and wait for the right moment to make her move, to break free from Emily and Marcus's grip.

Jordan's determination grew stronger as she held onto the hope of being reunited with Bill and the boys, knowing that they would do everything in their power to save her. With each passing minute, she vowed to find a way to outsmart her captors and ensure her freedom.

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