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A few days had passed since that fateful encounter at the music store, and Bill found himself in the midst of a joyous celebration. It was his and Tom's birthday, and they had the pleasure of being treated to a surprise planned by Adrianna and Alexa. All they had to do was get ready, and the rest would unfold before their eyes.

The night was filled with anticipation as Bill and Tom prepared themselves, donning their finest attire, eager for the evening's festivities. The air was tinged with excitement, and the streets of the town beckoned them to embark on a night of adventure and laughter.

As they ventured out, the group reveled in the city's vibrant energy, soaking up every moment of their special day. Laughter and smiles painted their faces as they explored the town, immersing themselves in the magic of the night. Whether it was sharing stories, dancing to the rhythm of the music, or simply enjoying each other's company, the bond between them grew stronger with every passing moment.

The girls had bought the boys to karaoke, which Bill of course smashed, Gustav and Georg they were good too. they went out to eat at 80's theme diner, listening to old music, Georg loving every moment of it. 

Then they went to an escape room, where they put Tom, Bill, and Gustav together on a team, (they had beforehand reached out to the company and bought the "tape" from them, so they could forever look back on this day) it took only around 10 minutes before tom flipped out getting livid over not being able to solve the rooms quick enough, Adrianna and he had made a bet, whoever was out first, got head. Tom screaming like a little girl at Gustav. Bill just stood there with his imaginary popcorn watching the two killing each other. 

 Throughout the day, the girls bought a camera with them, filming the boys' reactions to the different things going on throughout their special day. 

Returning home, their hearts filled with contentment, it was time for the cherished tradition of exchanging presents. Bill's anticipation peaked as he retrieved a beautifully wrapped package, concealing the treasure he had discovered at the music store that day. Excitement swirled within him as he handed it to Tom, his brother, and best friend.

Tom's eyes widened as he tore open the wrapping, revealing the coveted gift within. It was the guitar that Bill had found, a symbol of their shared love for music and the special bond they shared as brothers. A surge of joy washed over Tom, and he couldn't contain his exuberance. Screams of delight and leaps of pure elation echoed through the room as he cradled the guitar, his face lit up with unbridled happiness.

The infectious laughter spread like wildfire, engulfing the room as Alexa, Adrianna, Gustav, George, and Bill joined in on the revelry. The scene before them, Tom cherishing the guitar as if it were his flesh and blood, became a cherished memory in their hearts.

At that moment, as laughter intertwined with love and shared joy, Bill knew that the real gift was the bond they all shared—the irreplaceable connection that made their lives richer and more meaningful. And as they continued to celebrate into the night, surrounded by the warmth of friendship and the melodies of laughter, Bill couldn't help but feel an underlying hope that maybe, just maybe, the girl from the music store would somehow find her way back into his life,

Bill's POV

"Tom," I began, my voice tinged with a hint of nervousness, "I have to admit, I was unsure of what to get you for your birthday. I wanted it to be something truly special, something that would make you feel how much you mean to me."

Before I could continue, Tom's eyes lit up with excitement, and an ear-to-ear grin spread across his face. With unabashed enthusiasm, he interrupted me, exclaiming, "Bill, you won't believe it! The gift you got me is absolutely perfect! It's the most amazing thing you could have given me!"

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