Stick Out.

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It had been a hectic few days since our drunken game night. The morning after, I said goodbye to Jordan, but something felt different. As I caught her looking at me, she held eye contact instead of looking away. She still had rosy cheeks as always when I caught her looking at me. When I went in for a hug, it just felt right. I didn't want to let her go again. Holding her in my arms, I felt an overwhelming sense of ease and comfort.

We had numerous meetings with the head of the department, music managers, and music videos to be shot. On top of that, we had an upcoming tour with so many things to get done in such a short amount of time. Despite our busy schedules, I still wanted to say goodbye to Jordan before leaving. However, life got in the way, and we ended up having to say goodbye over the phone.

As the days went on, we had an interview on Thursday, and Jordan had one on the same show on Friday. The interview felt off, with the vibe being completely strange. We were bombarded with personal questions. Tom was asked if he and Adrianna still slept together despite being married, which made him visibly uncomfortable. Gustav was asked about his weight and if he planned on picking up training again. It was absurd and invasive.

Then came my turn. "Alright, Bill, how does it feel to be the only single one in the group?" the interviewer asked. I laughed awkwardly, trying to brush it off. "Well, not much has changed since we started Tokio Hotel. We're still the same close friends we were in the beginning, and I love the people who came along the way. I'm sure the boys would never have matured as they did without their lovely wives and girlfriends," I said, attempting to make a joke out of it.

The interviewer didn't seem satisfied. "Well, don't you ever feel sad or alone, knowing they're at home, kissing and having a good time with their partners?" he pressed. Tom looked at me, silently asking if I was okay. I nodded, trying to keep my composure. "That's quite a rude thing to ask, and honestly, it's very private. But if you must know, I believe in serendipity, and that's how I plan on approaching my love life. If I can't enjoy my time with myself, I won't enjoy my time with anyone."

I shot a sharp look at the interviewer, making it clear that I wasn't going to tolerate any more disrespect. He gulped, and the interview soon came to an end. There was no way we were ever going back to that show. Shortly after, Jordan sent me a text saying she had seen the interview and that the interviewer was being criticized online. But most importantly, she wanted to know if I and the guys were okay.

I reassured her that we were fine and that I appreciated her concern. It was comforting to know that she was looking out for me. Despite the chaos of the past few days, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendship we were building and the support we had for each other.

I went to bed early as we had to leave early, I told Jordan I would miss her and she said she would miss me more while I was away. with that, I went to sleep, and I woke up early the next morning, we had to get on the road as quickly as we could to get out of LA. I loved being on tour and so close to our fans, it was an incredible feeling. 

when the clock hit 1 pm, we all sat on the sofa and turned on the tv wanting to see Jordan and her interview hoping the man would be a bit more respectful than he was yesterday. it started out fine, but as time went on the uncomfortable questions slowly came to the surface.

 "Jordan, We've been told You were dumped by Noah because you didn't want to sleep with him? That's giving a little prude wouldn't you say?" 

she looked at him in disbelief 

"Excuse me, what the fuck kind of question is that? first, you disrespected Tokio Hotel last night, and now this? where do you get your information from? because that's 100% not true, I BROKE IT OFF with Noah since he only was around me for publicity, plus who I choose to get involved with romantically Is none of your damn business you're a grown-ass man, and you behave like this, its purely disgusting, I know Bill didn't say anything to you last night because he's a lovely person whose way too nice, but im not standing for it, and this interview ends now. Learn some damn respect." 

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