I will wait for you

111 4 1

Jordan POV

Okay, never for a second did I regret agreeing to move in with bill, I just know it's going to be great, he's such a loving and caring man.
I truly don't even deserve him.

I do regret not keeping my own house until ours was ready. This whole situation is just too much for me to handle. The boxes, bills, and the never-ending mess with four boys living together is driving me crazy.

I was in the kitchen, having just prepared food for Bill and me. I wanted to take it to him in the studio where Gustav was also hanging out. But of course, fate had other plans for me.


Next thing I knew, I was on the floor, face down, with the plate shattered and the food ruined. The pain was intense, and I couldn't help but scream out in frustration and agony.

Soon, I heard footsteps approaching from different directions. I managed to sit up, holding my injured nose. Blood was everywhere - on my hands and clothes. It was a mess, and I was seething with anger.

"What happened?!" Tom and Bill yelled in unison as they rushed into the kitchen, clearly concerned about the noise they heard.

I glared at them, my irritation reaching its peak. "Can't you see the disaster you guys have created in here? Your constant mess is driving me insane! I tripped over something you left lying around, and now my food is wasted, and I think I broke my nose!" I snapped, my frustration evident in my voice.

Tom and Bill exchanged guilty glances, realizing that their carelessness had caused the accident. But my anger didn't subside. "This has got to stop! I'm sick and tired of picking up after you all. It's not that difficult to clean up after yourselves and be a bit more considerate of others sharing this space!" I scolded, my emotions getting the best of me.

Bill tried to interject, "We're sorry, Jordan. We didn't mean to make such a mess. It won't happen again."

"That's what you always say, but nothing changes!" I retorted, feeling the weight of all the frustration building up over time.

Gustav, who had been quiet until now, finally spoke up, "She's right, guys. We need to be more responsible and tidy up after ourselves. It's not fair to put all the burden on Jordan."

I appreciated Gustav's support, but my anger hadn't fully subsided. "Exactly! It's about time you all step up and take responsibility for the mess you create. I need some space, some order in this chaos, especially when we're all waiting for our new house to be ready. It's not too much to ask for, is it?" I said, trying to make them understand how their actions affected me.

Tom, Bill, and Gustav nodded, acknowledging their mistake. "You're right, Jordan. We'll do better," Bill said sincerely.

"I hope so. I can't keep dealing with this stress and mess," I replied, feeling a mix of anger and relief that my point was getting across.

Jordan stood in front of the bathroom mirror, gently touching her injured nose, which had already started to swell. She winced as she assessed the damage, her frustration from earlier still lingering in her expression.

Bill, concerned about her well-being, followed her upstairs to check on her. He gently knocked on the bathroom door and called out, "Hey love, are you alright?"

She turned to face him, and though she was still upset, his presence brought a sense of comfort. "I'll be fine, just a bit sore and annoyed," she replied, trying to downplay the pain she was feeling.

Bill stepped closer, his worry evident in his eyes. "I'm really sorry about the mess in the kitchen and for not being more careful around the house. I know it's been chaotic with the move and everything," he said sincerely, regretting the carelessness that had led to Jordan's accident.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐥 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳Where stories live. Discover now