Tested Trust.

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Bill and Jordan. 

they had become boyfriend and girlfriend but not officially, or at least not yet, Bill really wanted to tell the entire world she was his, but she had made it clear she wanted it to be private, at least for now. the couple spent all their time together, the boys had an upcoming tour, and Jordan had to appear at the new fashion week in Paris, it was the first time they had to be apart since becoming an item.

As the days went by and the tour progressed, Bill's longing for Jordan intensified. He found himself missing her presence, her laughter, and the way she made him feel alive. The distance between them seemed unbearable at times.

While he supported her career and admired her success, he couldn't shake off the feelings of jealousy that crept into his heart. Watching the fashion shows from Paris, he saw men surrounding Jordan, touching her, and being in close proximity to her. It stirred a mix of emotions within him—protectiveness, possessiveness, and a deep longing to be by her side.

Bill tried to rationalize his feelings, reminding himself that this was part of Jordan's profession and that she was just doing her job. But deep down, it was difficult for him to suppress the feelings of insecurity and jealousy that arose from seeing others near his girlfriend.

He couldn't help but wonder if he was being irrational or if these emotions were natural. After all, they had only recently become an official couple, and the boundaries of their relationship were still being defined. Bill wanted to trust Jordan completely and give her the space she needed, but his heart struggled with the challenges of a long-distance relationship.

As the tour continued, Bill found solace in the support of his bandmates and the distraction of their performances. They poured their energy into their music, giving their fans unforgettable shows. But even amidst the adrenaline and excitement, Jordan was always on Bill's mind.

Late at night, after a particularly exhilarating performance, Bill found himself staring at his phone, contemplating whether he should reach out to Jordan. He wanted to express his feelings, to tell her how much he missed her and how he struggled with his emotions. But he hesitated, afraid of burdening her or coming across as possessive.

In the end, he decided to write a heartfelt message, pouring out his emotions and vulnerabilities onto the screen. He told her how much he loved her, how her absence made him realize the depth of his feelings, and how he was working on addressing his own insecurities.

After hitting the send button, Bill felt a sense of relief and vulnerability. He knew that communication was key in any relationship, especially during challenging times. He hoped that Jordan would understand and appreciate his honesty.

Days turned into weeks, and finally, the tour came to an end. The band returned home, and Bill's heart raced as he awaited Jordan's arrival. 

 we walked through the gates of the airport and of course, they were fans everywhere we signed a few things but what I wanted to do most was to see Jordan. but she was nowhere to be seen, I knew she had returned from Paris, she told me so, but I guess she didn't come to see me....the group and I went home, but as soon as I had showered, I changed and got In my car? "Going to see your lover so soon?" the boys teased me. he nodded I know they meant good but I have a bad feeling in my stomach, I had texted Jordan nonstop since we landed but she hadn't answered any of them, just left me on read. 

As I drove towards Jordan's place, my mind was filled with a mix of excitement and worry. I couldn't help but wonder why she hadn't responded to any of my messages since we landed. It felt strange, and a sense of unease settled within me.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐥 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳Where stories live. Discover now