Late At Night is Best - XXIV

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23rd October

Over the next few days, my relationship with Alice slowly was repaired.

From being civil at breakfast to sitting out in the gardens chatting.

It was slowly going back to a slight bit of normal.

Key word in that sentence being 'slowly'.

So, yes, it may be going brain-numbingly slow, but it was going back to normal, and I wasn't the least bit stressed.

Until I realised that in just over a week I would be hosting the Halloween Ball.

Quick, FYI... I projectile vomited.

The whole thing about hosting a fucking ball started to make me hyperventilate, but I was quickly calmed down by Xander who had just told me the drastic news.

So, here I am, sitting in bed because I feel like shit after projectile vomiting earlier, trying to plan a ball in less than eight days.

I was doomed.



That's what my glaring alarm clock read when I looked over at it.

I was sitting on my bed, duvet on top of me, with everything I could possibly need to plan this thing around me.

Luckily, since this was the first time I had had to do planning for something like this, Mum had narrowed it down to just a few options, meaning fewer decisions to make.

Because I could make a good damn mood board for this thing.

The main decisions I had to make were things like the colour scheme, dress code and then decorations.

The seemingly simple stuff.

It really isn't.

You see, the thing with having to make very few decisions, is you kind of had to match it up with what the other person had already said, but then, you also have pressure to choose what you would want, not what the person would want.

It's safe to say my hormones have been out of whack because of that, so when Jameson walked in and saw the tear stains on my face, you could see the worry stir within him as he ran across the room.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jameson asked while I just let out a hearty laugh, continuing to look at the plans for the ball.

"What?" Jameson then questioned, clearly asking about my laughter.

"Stupid hormones," I say while I tick the box of a 'fancy' fancy dress ball and stick that idea into the poly pocket with the other plans for the night.

"Aah," Jameson says shortly before moving to change, my eyes moving along with him as he changes into some pyjama trousers and then a loose, dark t-shirt, that just made him look hot.

"Darling?" Jameson asks as I continue to stare at him, my hands mindlessly resting by my sides on the bed.

"Yes?" I reply in the same manner, moving out of my stare to look Jameson in the eye when he turned to face me.

"You do remember how staring is rude, right?" Jameson questions and walks round to the other side of the bed and clambers in and kisses my temple.

"Yes," I say quietly, looking back at the job in hand and ticking and putting away the papers about the colour scheme.

"Then why do you do it?" Jameson then asks and I look back at him, a dead serious look on my face before replying.

"Because, you're hot, and I'm glad I get to sleep next to you at night," I say finally, before turning back to my work.

Jameson lets out a breathy laugh while I continue to work.

"Katie, don't you need sleep?" Jameson asks while he tucks himself in and switches off his bedside lamp, as I keep mine on.

"Eh... yes? I do?" I say, questioningly in a squeaky manner as a guilty look makes its way onto my face as Jameson takes the papers, "Oh, come on Jamie!" I loudly express and wave my arms in frustration as Jameson chuckles at my attempts to get back my work.

"You," Jameson says, dragging the word out, "Need sleep. Meaning no work," Jameson says and points a finger in my face as I huff and slide down into the enveloping covers and I start to hear the thundery sounds of rain thumping down outside.

The weather is clearly having issues with their boyfriend taking their work as well.

I mumbled out a 'goodnight', my voice being muffled by his top, but he still replied in a quiet voice wishing me 'goodnight and sweet dreams' for the night ahead.


I woke up with a start and an impending sense of doom.

It wasn't the kind where you could feel if someone had died or if a terrorist attack was about to happen.

It was more minor things.

Like needing to puke.

I dashed to the bathroom and shoved my head over the toilet as my dinner regurgitated into it.

Soon enough, I felt some slightly cold hands on my back, and then one move to hold back my hair, Jameson just helping me control my breathing in-between puking.

Soon enough, the puking did finish, but I had just dry heaved for a good few feelings of puke.

"How are you feeling?" Jameson asked as I buried my head into his shoulder.

"Like I just threw up," I say quietly, but hear laughs erupt from Jameson's body into a shaking mess.

"Fair enough," He says once he stops laughing, "How much longer do you want to stay up? Make sure you're good to go back to sleep again," Jameson asks as I continue to cuddle into him.

"We'll see," I say quietly as I go and grab the papers I was working on earlier, Jameson following behind me.

"Are you seriously insisting on doing work, when you could just read or something?" Jameson asks in pure surprise as he lies down next to me and helps me get everything out.

"Yes," I curtly reply and start ticking boxes again.

"I know you can work best at night, but are you sure about this?" Jameson double-checks with me before letting me continue.

"Jamie. Hun. I'll be fine, I've written some important things before, at this hour anyway. Late at night is best for me," I say and get a bit more comfortable in bed.

"Alright then, let's get started, I can help," Jameson then rep;ies and dump a whole load of papers that weren't done yet that he just needed to run by me as I continued to tick boxes trying desperately, pleadingly,

reaching out to try and grasp onto some of the talons of sleep I so desperately needed.



So firstly, how's everyone's weekend going?

I'm overtired and can't wait for the summer holidays. I'm also slightly traumatised from Criminal Minds - I'm watching it for the first time and I'm on early series 9. As in before 2 scary number episodes and wishing Spencer still had Maeve. Yeah, I'm mentally unstable.

Anyway, I know I disappear and then reappear like a month later, but I'm trying to get better at it. I'm also getting tested for ADHD. So yeah, hope no one boils to death in the heat.


- Rachel

UPDATED; 18/06/2023

WORDS; 1136

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