Boyfriends Are A Godsend - Except When Hungover - XXVI

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1st November

I think we can all agree alarms are the worst, right?

My, oh my, though are they effective.

So, yes they may be effective, but also my oh my, are they horrible when you want to lie in after your hungover boyfriend spent half the night puking, and you felt like you puked the other half of the night.

It's just safe to say though, that this morning, Jameson was the one who needed babying.

The very first thing he did this morning was roll over and smack the alarm clock off my bedside table.

Now, luckily, when I went to go and check it, the alarm clock was fine, but with the violence of deliberately knocking things off - It became pretty clear that Jameson was always either tired or crabby when hungover.

Being a good girlfriend though, meant that I went down to the kitchen and grab coffee, breakfast, and any aspirin lying around which I was sure there would be as everyone bar myself got drunk last night, meaning everyone bar myself needed aspirin for their hangovers.

And as I thought, I got everything with ease, putting the aspirin in my pyjama trouser pocket and getting Xander to help by bringing Jameson's coffee and my tea before he then eventually sat down the mugs on either side of the bed, I thanked him and then I got back into bed, handing Jameson the aspirin as I did so.

"I love you, you know that?" Jameson asked as he sat up and took a drink of his coffee while he took the medicine before then chomping down on his toast.

"Who are you talking to? Me or the medicine?" I ask the man in bed next to me as I take a sip of tea.

"Both of you," Jameson mumbled and then snuggled into my side, refusing to look at the daylight streaming through the curtains and into the room.

"Good to know that my only competition is medicine then," I say, looking down at the face of a man in his mid-twenties looking like he was about to have a strop like a two-year-old from the pain he was clearly feeling from the hangover.

We both soon finish our hot drinks and just sit in bed like this for a while, chatting.

And for once, my head was not the one that was hurting from drinking too much alcohol the night before.

But, I was still the one pregnant, so I did have to go and run to the bathroom multiple times to go and puke while Jameson grumbled and stayed in bed, head too sore to get up.

After a point of puking and I got back into bed, I sighed as much as the pillows did when I got back in, clinging to Jameson for dear life, as I was feeling slightly dizzy after the rigorous rounds of puking I had just recently been through.

"How are you doing Hun?"I ask Jameson as he moves to snuggle right back into my side while I sink lower, and lower into bed.

"Seriously Kaite?"Jameson asks, looking up at me slightly.

"What?" I ask right back at Jameson, wondering why on earth he would ask me that question.

"You're seriously asking why? You just went and puked your breakfast right back up and into the toilet!" Jameson said somewhere between shock and amazement at my behaviour.

"I think it's either motherly instincts or a need to give back to you after you've helped me so many times after I've done a bit too much drinking," I say and then lay my head right back on top of Jameson's, slowly letting sleep take over my senses, at least for a few hours.


A few hours later I was awoken by a bash to the head, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Xander standing over me, a cushion from the couch at the end of my bed.

"Xander- why the hell are you in here?" I ask him as he goes and sticks the cushion back where it came from, a cheeky smile on his face.

"Getting you up because you supposedly have an appointment," Xander says, the smile still on his face.

"With who?"I ask, trying not to wake Jameson from his slumber.

"Me," Xander says, the smile growing wider on his face before continuing, clearly seeing that I had completely forgotten our plans for today, "We agreed to sit and have a movie marathon of all the classics. A list I compiled for today is things like 'The Breakfast Club' and 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' just to name a few," Xander said as I then slowly smiled, remembering the conversation we had had when making these plans.

"What- What are you two talking about?" Jameson mumbled sleepily, moving slightly, letting some weight off of my chest.


So, slowly, I moved to sit up as Xander replied to Jameson as he slowly sat up in bed as well.

"We're having a movie night, in I think we agreed one of the living rooms," He said and then Jameson nodded slowly as I started to get out of bed, but then Jameson latched on to me.

"Please don't go," Jameson quietly said while holding onto my arms for dear life.

I laughed slightly before replying, taking a moment for Jameson to release his grip slightly before then moving around to face him.

"Do you want to come?" I ask him as Xander chuckles at Jameson's behaviour.

Jameson nods and I look at Xander, a questioning look on my face, asking if it would be okay and Xander returns the look with a small nod.

"Okay then, I say we move this inn here then. Xande, I have a projector and sheet for movie watching in here anyways," I say as Xander then grins even wider and runs out of the room, clearly to go and get snacks for movie night.

So, we sit there, Jameson and I, in awkward silence, while waiting for Xander to come back.

"How's your hangover now?" I ask Jameson, moving over and laying my head on his shoulder for the first time today.

"Better," Jameson starts, wrapping an arm around me as he does so, "My head isn't nearly as sore or dizzy and I don't feel like the light is attacking me at this point," Jameson says and then I feel his body relax against mine as we wait for Xander.

I look out the window, and seeing it was dark outside, I replied to what Jameson had said just moments earlier, with a cheeky comment.

"You do know it's dark outside right? So the light right now can't exactly hurt you," I say and Jameson laughs and his body jolts along with the noise he makes.

"Good to know," I hear Jameson say and then smile to myself, hearing the grin he has on his face, and soon enough Xander comes back with movies, snacks and we set up the mini-movie theatre in my bedroom, ready to sit and watch the classics for the next few hours.

"Alright then, ready to watch 'The Breakfast Club'?" I ask after we all got settled and we had stuck in the DVD to get the movie loading.

I hear two yes' in response before finally clicking play.

'Hey, hey, hey, hey...'


Hello, this is just a really quick editing update question, does anyone have any ideas for baby names? 

I'm just wondering just now as I've written ahead of schedule, but am keeping to schedule at the same time, so what I'm basically saying is that I need help with names. All I know is that I found some really cute baby girl pictures on Pinterest when creating the face claim collage for the baby, so I just need ideas now.

Thank you as always,

- Rachel

UPDATED; 01/07/2023

WORDS; 1270

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