Bye bye tour bus, hello home

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Heather's POV

Paul comes on the bus and claps his hands to get our attention.

"Today is the last day of the tour" He says

"NO! I can't leave my best friend" Louis screeched

"I thought I was your best friend" Harry mumbles with a fake look of hurt

"Ok your my best friend and my boyfriend" Louis smiles and kisses Harry

"OK! Back to what I was saying. I hoped you got everything packed because you will all be going to Harry's house. All your mums are there." Paul says heading to the back of the bus.

"I'm going home. Oh home sweet home! Back to my bed. Oh bed sweet bed!" I hear Hannah say excitedly from her bunk

"Babe do you have food?" Niall asks going to the back of the bus

5 second later I hear Hannah yell "My nachos, not yours!" and I think she smacked his hand.

"Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiam!" I say stretching out his name

"Yes Heather" He answers


"Yes Heather"


"Yes Heather!"

"Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(deep breath)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiam!

"Bloody hell Heather! What do you want?"

"Hi!" I says waving and smiling at him and he rolls his eyes


"Yes Heather"

"Do you know that some guy in a place I can't pronounce the name of had sex with a goat."

"That is disgusting" His face scrunched up a bit

"Yeah his punishment was to marry it" I continue

"Are people not enough these days?" He asks me

"I asked the same question" I told him


"Yes Heather?" He asks coming from the back of the bus

"When you perform on stage, do you feel possessed like something just took over your body?"

He looks at me like I just grew three heads. He shook his head no and went to the kitchen.


"What Heather?"

"We live in the era of Smart phones and stupid people"

"I'm smart" Liam buts in and Louis leaves

"Sis would you stop telling them facts and asking questions" Harry says coming from the back of the bus with Louis on his back.

"I'm making them smarter!" I say putting my hands up in surrender and Harry rolls his eyes


"No Heather"

"We'll fine then ill annoy you another way" I get up and go over to the sound system and blast Celebrate by Mack Maine ft Lil Wayne and Talib Kweli and start singing and dancing.

"Pop a bottle and celebrate, we made it to a new day!

Pop a bottle and celebrate, we made it to a new day!

Oh I take a hit and just elevate cause today will be a good day.

I got my mind right, money right, ready for ball, working hard today

For better tomorrow."

Louis turn off the sound system and throws me over his shoulder.

"I don't want to look at your bum!" I yell "You have a big bum" I continue

"That what you said when tour started" Louis says putting me down

I shrug my shoulder and go look for Hannah. I go over to her bunk and see her in there on her laptop writing and listening to music. She look at me and takes one earbud out.


"Do you know where Sarah is?"

"Right here" I scream and turn around to see Sarah

"Trying to kill me I see" I mumble

"Aww I wuv you Headder!" She says in a baby voice

"We're here!" I hear the bus driver yell from the front as the bus comes to a stop

We collect are bags and get off the bus. Louis puts his luggage down and starts somewhat hugging the bus.

"I'll miss you mate!" He starts fake being upset "Can we have a minute of silence for the best tour bus with the best memories?" Louis asks and we all nod and go quiet.

"Ok well that's it get in the house. Why are you all standing there like someone died!" Louis says 2 seconds later, we laugh and go in the house.

"My baby's!" I hear mum say coming over and bringing me and Harry into a bone crushing hug.

"We missed you too mum" Harry and I say hugging her back

The rest of the mums come out and greet us.

"Ok we made lunch for you so come into the kitchen" Maura says pointing to the kitchen

"I love you mum!" Niall kisses his mom on the cheek and runs into the kitchen. We all laugh and follow.

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