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Hannah's POV

I woke up in a room,how did I get here? I look around and see Niall next to me. Oh yeah I passed out because of him. God why did you make him so hot? But did he carry me back here? If he did I'll have to thank him later!  I got up got dressed and went to see if the girls where up.

When i got into Heather's room. Yes i have a card for the girls rooms cause i sometimes wake up first and get board so i go wake them up. So when i got in Heather's room i see Heather is still asleep, Harry is on the floor asleep? and Louis is sprawled out on the bed. I look on the table next to me and see a pen, pencil and some markers. I pick up the pen and throw it at Heather, it hits her in the stomach and she dosn't wake up, i throw 3 markers at her and they all hit her in the face. Man i got aim, she woke up looked at me, groaned and threw a pillow at me.

Heather:"Go away!"

Me:"No get up and get dressed"

I go over to her bed and drag her off of it. She grabs on to the sheets as i drag her across the room, the sheets fall off the bed and she grabs Harry's pajama pants and in 10 second they fall down. Harry wakes up an he looks down to see his pants down and he just goes back to sleep. Heather let's go of Harry's legs and screams. Louis and Harry wake up and i cover my ears. Heather gets up and runs out the door. No we are not starting this chasing game again, ugh. Louis goes back to bed and Harry get's off the floor and back on the bed and falls asleep. I run out the door to see Heather banging on Sarah's door, it opens and Heather runs in the room and the door closes again. I run over to Sarah's room and bang on the door, a sleepy Zayn opened the door and i ran in the room and find Heather cuddled up with Sarah in Sarah's bed asleep.

Zayn:"What are you doin here?"

Me:"Heather won't wake up and so now i have to wake her and Sarah up so if you here screaming ignore it and just keep sleeping"

Zayn:"That i can do"

He got in the bed and goes to sleep. I drag Heather and Sarah off the bed and out the door.

Sarah:"NO! My bed!"

Heather:'Hannah let me go!"

Me:"No you both are going to get dressed and get ready"

Sarah:"But my clothes are in my room not Heather's"

Me:"Just wear her clothes you guys look about the same size"


I let them go as soon as we get in Heather's room. They do their morning routine and get dressed. When they came out they are wearing this.


Me:"Heather you look like a girl leprechaun!"

Heather:"Oh shut up!"

Sarah:"Now can we wake the guys up?"


Heather:"But we have to do it the fun way :) "

Heather went over to her bag and got out 3 cans of silly string and handed one to us and she got one for her self.

Heather's POV

We are going to wake up the boys with a cool and fun thing that i like to call silly string!

Me:"Ok Hannah you wake Niall, Sarah wake Liam and Zayn while i wake Louis and Harry. When you know they are completely awake run to the lobby and that will be where we meet up. Got it?"

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