The Day (Afternoon-Evening)

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Louis POV


Hannah:"OMG!! 6 hours till i get to see the most hottest and sexiest 27 year old in the world!! :)"

Heather:"For the 56th time...STOP TALKING!! You can talk all about Marianas Trench 2 minutes before you leave for the concert"

Me:"Why 2 minutes?"

Heather:"So we can only hear her babbling for 2 minutes until we push her out the door, lock it, pack our bags, get tickets and MOVE TO FLORIDA!!!"


Heather:"She agrees, i say we do it"

Zayn:"1. Heather you are weird but Florida is nice. 2nd. Sarah if you ever curse while i'm around again i will hit you upside the head"

Sarah:"You can't hit me even if you-"

Zayn smacked Sarah upside the head. Sarah's mouth opened in shock.

Sarah:"He just hit me...He just hit me...HE JUST HIT ME...HE JUST HIT ME!!!!"

Sarah goes over and messes up Zayn's hair, takes a can of  his hair spray and drops the can outside the hotel window along with one of his bottles of gel.


He smacks her upside the head again. Sarah grabs another bottle of gel, opens the lid and squeezed some out. He smacked her, She let the gel fall and that went on for 3 minutes until Liam stopped them, telling them that it was pointless cause neither of them are winning this fight.


We all stop talking and look at Sarah like she is crazy


Heather:"Nice convo switcher there Sarah"

Hannah:"Why do you want him. He is a IDIOT!"

Sarah:" What i meant was i wanna see him in person"

Heather:"But you guys haven't talked in a while"

Sarah:"Yeah we have. I text him almost everyday"

Hannah:"That is a lot. You guys don't even go out"

Heather:"Yeah like i only text Micheal 3 days every week maybe less cause i'm not OBSESSED with him!"

Zayn:"I thought you didn't like him anymore"

Harry:"Yeah i thought you liked that dude from summer camp"

Heather+Sarah:"Bro stay with me. You guys are gonna be updated now so listen"

Hannah:"I love how i'm never this complected when it comes to liking or dating guys :)"

Harry:"Want to be my new sister. I'll get mum to adopt you"

Hannah chuckled

Heather:"I will sooo go live with Hannah's mum. I love her she is so nice to me!"

Harry:"So Hannah when do you want to come over so we can sign the papers?"

We all laugh

Heather:"NEVER! I just changed my mind. Hannah sorry but you get your mother back"

Sarah:"What made you change your mind?"

Heather:"I love my bro to much to let him go"

Heather and Harry hug and the room fills with a bunch of awww's

Hannah:"Ok stop fooling around let's get down to business"

Liam:"Witch is...?"

Hannah:"JOSH RAMSAY!!!!!"

Heather+Sarah:"Fuck you!"

Me:"Well i am gone to go search for ear plugs"

Hannah stuck her tongue out

Harry:"I'll come help you"

He grabs my hand and we start walking to our room. His hand slips out of me and i hear a little squeal. I turn around to see Heather draging Harry back to the couch.

Heather:"No your not. Because then Hannah is gonna yell "IF I HEAR ONE GOD DAMN MOAN COME FROM THAT ROOM....HEATHER IS GONNA GO IN THERE!" and i will be like "WHAT!?! Why me" and then she will say "He is your brother" an the rest are going to agree with her"

Hannah:"I love how you know me so well :)"

5 Hours later, 2 minutes before the concert :)

Hannah:"I'm gonna see Josh Ramsay...I"M GOING TO SEE JOSH FUCKING RAMSAY!"

Niall:"Yes babe you are"

Me:"I don't think she really processed that through her head yet"

Sarah:"Probably not"

We are walking around the arena cause Hannah didn't want us to leave yet cause she was nervous. She was front row on the floor she looked like she might just pass out now. God i hope she don't.

We heard a bunch of screams and Marianas Trench came out on stage Josh doing that little walk thing he does in the Shake Tram music video. OH GOD i am spending way to much time with Hannah and her obsessed self. Hannah started screaming and shaking then told us we could leave and she would text us when to pick her up.

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