Chapter 16 (Night)

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Heather's POV

We finally got to the city of St.John's!

Me:''My hometown! I'm back''

Sarah:''This is not your hometown''

Hannah:''Yeah it's mine''

Me:''I know''

Hannah sticks her tongue out at me

Me:''Hannah i don't need to see your tongue i have one to ya know''


We all jump a little and turn around

Niall:"Do you have food!?!"

Paul:"No but the hotel does"

Niall runs into the hotel

Liam:"Hi Paul"

Paul:"Do you guys want your room keys?"


Paul:"Louis, Harry your in a room together. Sarah, Heather your in a room together. Hannah, Liam share a room and then Zayn and Niall share a room."


Paul:"Here are your room keys"

We got our bags and went to our rooms.

Me:"What time is it?"


Me:"Let's go get something to eat"

We went to the lobby and seen the restaurant Smitty's to the right.

I ordered fajitas and a salad, Sarah got chicken nuggets and fries.

Sarah:"Why do you think Niall and Hannah aren'y sharing a room"

Me:"I don't know. Maybe he dosn't know the are together so he thought it wouldn't make a difference."


We finished eating and went back to our room. We got ready for bed, climbed in our beds and turned off the lamp.



Sarah:"Seriously? What the hell are they doing?!"

Me:"I have no idea"

We get up and leave the hotel room

Sarah:"Wait the key!"

Before the door could officially click closed i pushed it open and got the key.

Me:"That was close"

We got to their door and start banging on it. They open the door laughing.


Sarah:"Guys keep it down"

Me:"We are trying to sleep"


They close the door and we walk back to our room. We hear a little giggling.

Sarah:"They aren't going to be quiet, are they"


I put a pillow over my head and Sarah put the covers over her head and we eventually fell asleep.

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