Chapter 15 (Morning)

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Niall's POV

"Hannah wake up...come on get up" I whispered in her ear

"No, go away" She said and put her hand over my mouth so i couldn't talk again

Heather comes


Hannah looks at her and mumbles "Why"

Heather:"Your leprechaun woke me up. It is to DAMN EARLY to wake up, so if i'm up you have to get up too"

Hannah groaned and threw a pillow at Heather and got out of bed, Heather caught the pillow and threw it back at Hannah, she ducked and the pillow hit me right in the face. They put their hand over their mouths to stop the laughs from coming out. Eventually they broke down on the floor laughing. After they were done Heather left and Hannah pecked my lips and left with me following. We go out to the living room part of the bus and Heather goes over to the couch and sits on a sleeping Sarah. Sarah wakes with a startle and looks around.

Sarah:"Header get off!"

Heather:"Well then wake up"

Sarah:"I am!"

Heather repeats it but in a mocking tone

Liam:"You really arn't a morning person"

Heather:"Not at all" She groans

Zayn:"How are you just gonna let Larry over there sleep and not us!?!"

She walk over the the boys and shakes them

Heather:"Get up...Get up....Wake up...come on....OH FOR GODS SAKES GET UP!"

The boys jump up and look at Heather

Harry:"Can't you be peaceful for once?"

Heather:"Well i was till SOMEONE woke me up" I guess she made that a little louder so i would hear it. The boys start falling asleep again. Heather opened her mouth to speak but Hannah covered it with her hand. Hannah goes over to the boys and smacks them up side the head and they jump up again.

Hannah:"No you are going to STAY AWAKE! I am sick and tired of hearing Heather SCREAM in my DAMN EAR!"

Louis:"If you don't let us sleep i promise you i will take your Marianas Trench CD and throw it in the garbage"

Hannah backs away slowly

Hannah:"Heather, you are gonna have to fight this battle on your own."

They start going back to sleep

Heather:"IF you guys fall asleep, Bro i will take your favorite DSI Cat game that you love and Louis i will take every single bag of carrots and throw them out the window"

They both jump to their feet and look at Heather

Harry:"No! Not Cat Frenzy!"

Louis:"It's ok Harry. She won't really do it"

Heather:"Watch me"

She goes in the kitchen and comes out with 10 packs of carrots. She goes over to the window and opens it. She throws 1 bag out the window, now 2 bags go flying out the window, 3, 4.

Louis:"STOP, STOP! PLEASE JUST STOP!" Louis has tears streaming down his face. She puts the rest of the bags at Louis feet. Louis picks them up and holds on to them for dear life.

Heather:"Now the cat game"

She goes over to Harry's bunk and get's the game. She comes back and goes over to the window and hold the game out side of it.

Harry:"You are a sick and twisted sister"

Heather:"I know! :) "

Harry:"Just give it back...please"


She hands him the game and sits down next to Hannah on the couch

Hannah:"Well don't you play the mean card"

Heather:"Yup!" They high five

Louis:"T-that was n-n-not fu-n" He chokes out threw his sobs and carrot eating

Harry:"My poor Boobear" He goes over and sits next to him on the floor. He hugs him then kisses his tears that have spilled down his face.They look into each others eyes and slowly lean in to share a sweet passionate kiss.

I look over at the girls and see that they are all gagging.

The boys pull apart and look deep into each others eyes while smiling. They get off the floor and go sit on the love seat and cuddle into each other.

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