Meet The Parents

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Hannah's POV

I looked over at the clock an it read 11:59AM. Perfect time to get up and nobody is in my face telling me to get up. My back started vibrating, i lifted up my back and stuck my hand under to feel my phone. I hauled it out and seen three texts form my mom.

Hannah why don't you come home today.

Oh and bring your friends.

Come at 1:30.

Grrr! I got a hour and a half to get ready. I get out of bed and got dressed and did my morning routine and went into my hotel room to find everybody asleep still on the floor.

Me:"Get up! Get up! Come on get your lazy butts up!"

They all groan and move around. I start walking to my room and while i do i lightly kick Sarah, Zayn and Niall. I got to my room and Harry was on the bed well hanging off the bed upside down while Heather is asleep on his legs. They are restless sleepers, how is that comfortable? I throw a pillow at Harry and it hits him in the chest. He wakes with a little jump and his knee hits Heather in the head.

Heather:"Ow what was that for!?"

She hits him in the balls and he groans. OK... i'll leave them to fight. I head to Liam's room and see Louis on the floor with his feet propped up on the side of the bed and Liam is curled up in a ball at the top of the bed. I walk over to Louis and shake him.

Me:"Louis get up...Louis get up....Louis wake the hell up!"

Ugh. Ok time for the best acting of my life.

I shake Louis really hard

Me:"Louis Harry's hurt! I don't know what happened you have to help him! I don't know what to do!"

Louis jumps up and walks out of the room. I sounded better then i thought i would :)

"Heather stop beating him up! He hasn't even got in a hit yet!" Louis yells

"He is not supposed to!" Heather yells back

"Babe! Help Me!"

I hear a bunch of thuds and screams with a bit of ows then everything is silent

"Louis let me go!"

The front door to the hotel opens and closes. We all walk out of the rooms to see Paul standing there.

Paul:"Louis put Heather down please"

Louis puts Heather on the floor and she stands up.

Paul:"Now Louis i came here to tell you that your cars have arrived"

Louis:"Ok thanks"

Me:"Oh Paul we are going out for a few hours. Just thought you wanted to know"

Paul:"Thank you for telling me. When are you leaving?"

Me:"As soon as everybody gets ready"

Paul:"Ok be back by 11:30 tonight. That is the latest"

I nod my head and he walks out the door

Heather squeals

"My Hummer is here!" She screams

We all laugh

Zayn:"You love that truck way to much"

She shrugs and they go to there rooms to get ready.



Everybody walks out of the room grabs their car keys that Paul put on the table in their rooms and went out of the hotel. We got in our cars and i lead the way! We got to my house, Heather ran out of her car and straight for the door. We walked to the door. Heather walked right in and screamed "I'm home!" The rest of us walked in the door like normal people and i heard my mom yell something so we walked into the living room and mom and dad are siting on the couch. My mom got off the couch and ran...right past me and screamed "Heather your home!"

Me:"Love you to mom"

Lynn(Mom):Love you too Hannah"

She comes over and hugs me

Dad:"Hi Sweetheart"

Me:"Hi daddy!"

Lynn:"Hello Sarah"

Sarah:"Hi mommy #2"

Dad:"Hello Heather"


Lynn:"Hello boys"


Dad:"Hello Sarah"


Dad:"Hi boys"


Niall leans into my back and whispers in my ear.

Niall:"I'm hungry"

I roll my eyes and walk over to mom

Me:"Whats for lunch?"

Mom:"Grill Cheese"

Me:'when's it gonna be done?"


I walked back to Niall and told him and he smiled. My boy, My special special boy.

Mom walked into the kitchen to get lunch.

Dad:"So boys tell me a bit about yourselves"

"My name is Liam"

"Mine is Harry"




Dad:"Where are you guys from"






Me:"Dad you already know this"

Dad:"Sweetheart i'm just being polite"

Heather:"Hahaha! Your funny!"

My dad smiles at how fast Heather cached on to the little laugh that is hiding behind his voice when he said that. My dad is never going to grow up. My dad got up and started singing...OH GOD!


He turned around and looked at me right confused

Dad:"What are you talking about?"

Heather:"You singing the song she told you to never sing! Lol"

Dad:"Oh. Sorry"

I sit down in a chair and put my head in my hands. Oh my family, i knew this was a bad idea to bring the boys to MY house.

Heather:"Aww is Hannahbelle embarrassed?"

Me:"Nope just asking myself. Why MY house!"

Sarah starts laughing

Sarah:"Cause Header likes it here. She always falls asleep."

Heather:"That's right Sawah but it's not my fault! Your house is always so quiet compared to mine"

Harry:"Our house is quiet"

Heather:"No it's not. You always have your friends over and mom brings 1 or 2 of her girl friends home sometimes and Robin...well he is quiet"

Mom cam out with the grill cheese, we ate, talked and played random stuff until i heard my phone ring.



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