A Bit of Jealousy

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Hannah's P.O.V.

I sat looking around in the studio, bored as hell. Three parts of Marianas trench were in the booth thingy, and the other tongue ringed half was sitting out with me.

Josh : Ian, stop flicking Mike with your drumsticks!

Ian : We're older then you! We can do what we want

I will never ever EVER understand what runs through these boys heads

John (the manager) : OK boys, you have sorta worked enough today. go do something that isn't sitting around bugging me.

Matt : Joooooosh, can we go shopping? I need new converse

Me : I thought you got new shoes last week?

Matt : Bennie pissed on them!

Bennie was Josh's dog. Josh had a dog and two cats.

Josh : Fine lets go shopping

Seeing we had been working in the studio for so long we were in our pajamas, we changed before we left

(Hannah : http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_75/set?id=62847557)

(Boys : http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_76/set?id=62848277)

We walked through the mall a bit, and Matt finally decided on a store to buy sneakers in. Josh and I were fooling around trying on sunglasses when i noticed something

Me : Do you have a HICKEY!??!

I moved down the part of the hoodie he pulled up.

Josh : What? No! Stop touching me!

Me : Liar, you have a hickey on your neck! joshy got a girlfriend!

I did a little dance. I tried to look at it again but that just got me into a sissy fight with Josh. I was prety much laughing my head off, and Josh was laughing too.

Niall's P.O.V.

Sarah and Heather dragged me and the lads out shopping. Right now, they were in a perfume store. A PERFUME STORE.

The boys and I sat outside, looking dreamily at the store across the hall that sold sunglasses, sneakers, and men's clothe.

Then I noticed something. Hannah was there! Her and josh were laughing and having a sissy fight by the mirrors.

She shouted something, he grinned and grabbed her waist. He slung her over his shoulder and she started to do a mix of a laugh and a scream

Josh : That's it! Into the fountain you go!

Hannah : Let me go!

I watched not sure how to react, as Josh carried Hannah over to the fountain. Josh grabbed her like her was about to throw her in the fountain, threw her as if he was actually throwing her, then caught her.

Josh : Scared ya didnt I?

Hannah : Jackass!

They both started laughing. I just realized a reason they are already such good friends. Hannah has spent all this time with us, and she's the only Canadian. Hannah was feeling homesick lately, so hanging out with Josh probably fixed that. Heather and Sarah came out of the shop. Liam tapped me on the shoulder.

Liam : Come'on dude. They're letting us go to a store that we want to go to!

And they dragged me away. I kept my eye on the fountain where Josh and Hannah were sitting.

I felt something in the pit of my stomach. Jealousy i think, but it could have been the fact I am hungry. 

Hannah's P.O.V.

Me : So you got to scare me, NOW can you tell me how you got the hickey?

Josh : Fine...

He rubbed the back of his neck

Josh : Did you have a dream about your boyfriend last night?

Me : Yeah. Why?

Josh : Us sharing a room + You dreaming about your boyfriend that you miss + Me sleep walking = Me having a hickey

Me : Wait, I  gave it to you?

Josh : You luuuuuuuv me

Me : Ha ha ha. Very funny. It's hilarious that I gave you a hickey when I'm dating Niall.

Josh : Eh, don't sweat it. The other boys haven't seen it, and it'll go away in a few days.

I stuck my tongue out.

Me : I just realized if I gave that to you, it means your twenty seven and you still don't have a girlfriend!

Josh : Just because i didn't throw you in the fountain, doesn't mean I wont.

Matt : Yo lovebirds! Are ya gonna come with us or do you want us to give you a minute?

Josh+Hannah : Shut up Matt!


The OTHER boys, Heather and Sarah were visiting. Niall walked in the room and I practically tackled him.

(Heather : http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_77/set?id=62883747)

(Sarah : http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=62892623)


Sarah : Holy crap this is the most love she's shown Niall in weeks, you guys must be really insane

The MT boys grinned.  They all went into their rooms. They all whimpered at the exact same time.

Marianas Trench : HANNAH!

Me : Who took what this time!?!?

Josh : Someone took my glitter!

Matt : Someone took my Sour Keys!

Mike : Someone took my Skittles!

Ian : Someone took my lucky drumsticks!

Honestly, this happened every day.

Me : Josh, the glitter's the in bathtub in Matt's room! Matt and Mike, I ate them! Ian, check your pillows!

There was a few minutes of silence. 

Josh + Ian : THANK YOU!

Mike + Matt : YOU JACKASS!

Me : This happens every day.

One Direction : Wow.

Josh : Can we play a game?

All : Okay

So Josh took about ten minutes of our time explaining how awesome this game was, then finally when he said what it was, it was dog-pile on One Direction and tickle them. 

Me, Heather, Sarah, and Marianas Trench had fun, then the boys (MT and 1D) decided to change it to dog-pile on me, Heather and Sarah and tickle them.

They finally stopped, and we were all gaspng for air. Niall, of course, couldn't go ten seconds without talking about food, said

Niall : We're going to breakfast tomorrow, wanna come? 

Hannah : Can't. Josh and I have to wake up super early to work on Good To You. Come to the concert tonight and you can hear it.

1D+Heather+Sarah : Okay.

As we were leaving, josh pulled me aside.

josh : I'm going to be really close to the fans tonight, can you hide the you-know-what with makeup?

Me : Sure.

I got some white foundation (we were both really pale) and covered his neck until I couldn't even see the mark anymore


Josh + Hannah : I think you'd be good to me, and I'd be so good to you...

We went backstage and Niall, Heather, and Sarah tackled me.

Niall+Heather+Sarah : THAT WAS AWESOME!

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