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Louis POV

Me and Niall were fooling around on the computer when Liam came out of the bunk area looking pissed.

Liam:"Niall can you please go try and wake up Heather"


Liam:"Cause when i tried to wake her up she kept smacking me in the face"


Liam:"I have no clue"

Niall:"Ok i'll try"

Niall went in, five minutes later he came back out holding himself with pain writen all over himself.

Liam:"What happened"

Niall:"I tried waking her up and she punched me really hard telling me to leave her alone."

Liam helped Niall sit down.


Harry ran in here scared but still half asleep

Harry:"What happened?"

Then he walks over to the couch and he lies down with his head in my lap while i play with his curls.

Liam:"You have to wake up your sister"



I look down to see that he fell asleep. I shook him a little and then he wakes up. He looks at me and says "What"

Liam:"You have to go wake your sister"


With that he gets u and goes in Heather's bunk.....20 minutes later he didn't come out........35 minutes later he didn't come out....45 minues later he still didn't come out so me and Liam went into Heather's bunk and there was Heather and Harry asleep in Heather's bunk. Liam groaned.

Liam:"You try and wake him up and i'll try to wake her up AGAIN"

I went over to Harry and shook him lightly while whispering wake up in his ear. He woke up and tried to wake Heather up but she knocked him to his feet and he scream and jumped in my arms. I took him in the living room and put him on the couch then went back in Heather's bunk and i went to her  and shook her lightly while whispering wake up in her ear like i did to Harry and she woke up. I had a feeling that would work:)

We were all dressed and we were in Boston so we stoped and a waffle house. We ordered then talked about random stuff till our food got here. When our food got here we dug in. Niall had 10 waffles with whip cream and strawberrys on the top and the rest of  us had 2 waffles with wip cream.

We got done eating and when we went outside there was a bunh of fans crouding the door, Heather pulled us back in the resturant.

Heather:"I'm going infront"

Harry:"Why so you can pose for them?"

Heather:"No just follow me"

We went out with Heather infront of us and she was holding fans back for us to get threw. We actually got to the car in one piece without security IT'S A MIRACLE!! I think all the guys were thinking the same because when we got in the car we huged her.

Harry:"That was amazing"

Heather:"Some girls took my sweatshirt. Oh well that was old anyways."

Niall:"Wasn't you phone in your sweatshirt?"

Heather:"No i put it in my jean pocket"

Then she pats her pocket and it wasn't there.

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