Crush Fight

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Heather's POV

I woke up to the boys jumping on my bed screaming at me.

"Go away" I groaned and put my pillow over my head

"NO! Now get up we are going to see Hannah" Niall said

I mumbled a fine and they left. I got up did my morning routine and got dressed.




Zayn texted me saying they are in the car. I grabbed the room key, and ran down to the lobby out the door and in the van. We drove to the studio that MT and Hannah are at. We see them out side shaking up cans of Crush, opening them and spraying each other.


Marianas Trench:

We get out of the van and they notice us.


She says coming over to me and Sarah. We back up a little just in case she tries to touch us with her sticky hands. I am not gonna let anybody ruin this outfit, ITS NEW!


Liam:"Why are you soaking each other in Crush soda"

Josh:"Cause it's fun"

Me:"Well i am not joining in on this parade"

Hannah comes over to me and starts shaking a can. My eyes widen and i run and hide behind of the boys and i see Sarah doing the same. I look up to see i hid behind Matt and Sarah hid behind Zayn. Hannah came over to Me and Matt.

Hannah:"Matt move"

"NO! Matt please don't move" I say and clutched on to his arm

He looked down at my hands around his arm and he blushed, my cheek's are probably just as red. He is so cute when he blushes!

Matt:"Sorry Hannah"

Hannah rolls her eyes and runs over to Sarah and Zayn, tells Zayn to move, Sarah begs him not to, Hannah shakes the can and starts slowly opening it up. Zayn screams "MY HAIR!" and go's hiding behind Niall. uh oh!

Sarah:"Hannah! Don't"

Too late Hannah opens the can and Sarah is drenched in Crush in seconds.

My Life (One Direction story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang