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 Heather's POV

I woke up to Louis, Liam and Niall jumping on my bed while the rest gather everything together.

Liam:"Come on you have to pack up your stuff and get dressed!"

They walk out and i do my morning routine then get dressed


I walked out to see everybody dressed and ready to go out the door.



Liam:Ok the van is here and it's going to drop us off at the airport"

We all nod our heads. We get our bags and put them in the trunk then hop in and off to the airport we go. We get to the airport, as soon as we enter we do the stuff you do in airports.(don't really want to write all the stuff they have to do before they board the plane) The lady came on the intercom and said that flight 10 to Vancouver was boarding. We showed the lady our passports and boarded the plane. Me,Zayn and Sarah sat in one row, Louis,Harry and Liam sat in the row next to ours while Niall and Paul sat in another row in front of ours with some girl. The girl turned her head I guess to greet whoever was siting next to her but when she seen it was Niall her eyes almost popped out of her head. Sarah busted out laughing so she had to turn her head to try and calm herself. I wasn't gonna blame her that was hilarious! I love fans reactions to the boys :) Zayn looked at us funny and we just shrugged. We leaned closer to hear what they are gonna say.


Niall:"Hi! How are you?"

Girl:"G-Good. H-h-h You?"

He laughed at how nervous she was around him

Niall:"Good! I'm Niall!"


Niall:"Cute name!"

Leighann:"Thanks" She blushed

They continued to talk but me and Sarah decided to not listen anymore. I looked over at Harry and the two other boys and seen that Louis has his head on Harry's shoulder kissing his neck while Liam is telling them not to show PDA. I take a picture of Larry!

Sarah:"Heather what are you gonna do with that picture!?"

Me:"I don't know post it on Twitter when we land"


Me:"What! All the Larry shippers will love this, especially since management won't let them come out since they are scared 1D gonna loose fans"

Sarah:"So you are just gonna keep dropping hints?"

Me:"Pretty much, like I said Larry fans love this stuff. They have needs to! I should know."

Sarah:"How many times have you done this?"



Me:"3 times"


Me:"4 times"


Me:"OK! 5 times that's it!"

"You are something else, I swear" She says while shaking her head

"I can hear you, you know" We turn our head to see Zayn looking at us

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