The Day (Morning)

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Heather's POV

I woke up to the sun shining brightly in my face. I hear a soft groan, i look to my right to see Sarah slowly waking up to.



We hear a bang soon followed along by laughter

Sarah:"Have they been up all night?"

Me:"No i woke up around 2:30 and it was so peaceful"

Sarah chuckled and got up and picked out some clothes for the day. I got up and did the same. Sarah went to the bathroom to change. I finished getting ready and Sarah came out of the bathroom dressed and ready. Someone bust threw the door.

"I'm going to the Marianas Trench concert tonight!!!!!"


Niall came walking in the room with pajama pants on

Niall:"Babe get back in that damn room before you wake the whole god damn hotel up"

Hannah jumped in excitement then started running down the hall to her and Liam's room

Heather:"How did you hear here, your rooms aren't close together at all?"

Niall:"Who can't hear Hannah when she is excited"

Sarah:"The deaf"

Heather:"Smart mouth"

She stuck her tongue out at me and Niall left the room going back to his and Zayn's room.


"I'm hungry!" Sarah whined

Me:"Come on we will get the rest and go for breakfast"

Sarah:"Ok! Come on...let's go"

She skips out the door to Zayn's room. She knocks on the door.

Sarah:"Bro you better get your ass out here! I am not waiting more then 10 minutes for you!"

We hear muffled words then moving of the feet.

Zayn:"Niall get up"

Niall:"Go away"

Zayn:"We are going to get breakfast"

Niall:"Move the hell out of my way!"

We hear a thud, an ow and a sorry


We go down to Hannah's room and of course her and Liam are ready. We go to Louis and Harry's room. I knock on the door.

Me:"Get dressed!"

"We are!" They scream through the door

Me:"Let me see"

The door opens and Louis is there dressed and ready

Sarah:"So is Harry dressed?"


Me:"Where is he?"

He sighs and mumbles "Getting dressed"

Me:"Knew it"

Harry comes to the door dressed and ready

Sarah:"K, let's go"

All seven of us go back to Zayn an Niall's room. Sarah knocks on the door and Niall opens it dressed and ready to go.

Hannah:"Where is Zayn"

Niall:"Fixing himself. He wants to look good"

Sarah:"Of course"

Zayn comes to the door and we all head down to the van. We see Paul talking on the phone, he hangs up and looks at us.

Paul:"Where are you going?"

Liam:"To get breakfast"

He let us go. We went to IHop to eat then back to the hotel to figure out what we are going to do today!

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