Chapter 14

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Zayn's POV

I woke up and dragged myself in the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to check my hair, my eyes widened and i let out a hug scream! My hair it was f-flat, w-w-wet and it was in all different directions. Everybody ran in the bathroom. Liam with a fork in his hand, Niall with chicken and Hannah with a Marianas Trench CD? They must have still been asleep while getting those.

Liam:"What happened?"

Hannah:"Who died?"

Heather:"Hannah by the looks of it you looked like you died then came back, then died again and came back again"

Hannah just glared at her

Niall:"Can't a guy eat his chicken in peace?"


Sarah and Heather both point a finger at each other while the rest of them groan

Hannah:"Really you woke me up because of YOUR STUPID HAIR!"

she tried to attack me but Heather and Sarah held her back. they strugled but they managed

Me:"Which one of you did it?"

Sarah:"Look all i'm saying is should have seen this coming"

Liam:"Can't you just fix your hair again?"

Heather:"Isn't that going to take forever though?"

Hannah:"I don't care what he does i just wanna go back to bed! Can i go back to bed?" Hannah whines

I nod my head and she leaves. I look around at everybody and see that their all awake except Harry and Louis, their leaning against the wall asleep, Louis starts slipping off the wall and falls right on the floor but dosn't wake up. Harry wakes up and looks down, he takes Louis feet and starts dragging him to the couch, picks him up and lays him on the couch while wrapping a blanket around him.

Harry's POV  

I look around to see everybody in the living room on the couch there is no seat left so I lift Louis feet up and seat down while putting his feet down.

Liam:"Who wants breakfast?" 


We all agree and Liam goes to make breakfast. 10 minutes later...


Niall rushed into the kitchen followed by the others. I shake Louis and he dosn't wake

Me:"Boobear if you want breakfast you have to wake up before Niall eats it all"

Louis groans and pushes my stomach

Me:"Lou what are you doing?"

Louis:"Hoping if I poke your stomach a bunch a times you will leave and just let me sleep."

I pick him up like a baby and carry him in the kitchen and sit him in his chair.

Zayn:"Louis you looked like a baby when Harry carried you like that"

Louis:"Shut up " He flicked a piece of bacon at Zayn and Zayn did the same back. Soon enough we are all in a food battle. Niall is hiding under the table trying to catch as much food as possible so he can eat it.

Niall:"NOOOOO!! My food my precious precious food!  You're wasting it!"

He grabs a piece of toast and bacon off the floor and sticks it on his plate.

After 12 minutes we stopped the food battle.

Liam:"Where is Niall?"

"Under here" we hear a small voice say. We look under the table to see Niall has his plate stacked high with some of the food we threw.

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