Halloween with Marianas Trench

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Hannah's POV

I woke up to the TV on, Matt and Ian running after Mike while Josh is flipping through channels.

Matt:"Mike just give me my damn sour keys back!"

Ian:"And give me my bag of popcorn back!"

Mike:"Then give me my skittles!"

Matt:"FINE! We stop running in 3"




They all stop running and give each other their candy.

Josh:"Good morning Hannah"

I look over to see Josh looking at me with a smile on his face.


I get up, grab some clothes and head to the bathroom to take a shower and the other stuff. I come out of the bathroom dressed and ready for the day, I see the guys dressed then all of a sudden they all bolt to the bathroom. Josh was closing the door but Matt slid in before he could fully close it.

Mike:"Every time!"

Ian:"I know! They always get to the bathroom first"

I chuckle

Boys, boys, boys. Never gonna get used to them, ESPECIALLY THESE ONES! :P

The boys come back out and we all go out for breakfast



We pulled up to...Pizza Hut? Really pizza for breakfast, oh yeah there special alright. We sat down and the waiter took our order. A ding echoed through the restaurent. I looked over to see Niall and the rest of them walk in.

"So, how you doing?" Josh said while putting his arm around me

"Josh i don't give a shit if you pay me or not for this video" I say while smiling at him.

He puts his arms up and screams YES!

Well that got everybody's attention. God Josh for once can't you be quiet out in public...well Josh isn't really a quiet boy so nevermind.


I turn around to see Niall and the rest looking over at our table. They walk over and smile at us.

Heather:"Hey Hannahbelle!"


Matt:"Hi" He says looking at Heather


Matt:"Hey" He says looking down and playing with his thumbs

Heather blushed

"Snap out of it man!' Josh says hitting Matt in the back of the head

"Say more then one word!" I say hitting Heather in the back of the head

Heather:"uh um uh erm"

Me and Josh start singing

"Stutter. Stutter. Stutter. D-d-d-d-d-d-did I? Stutter. Stutter. Stutter. D-d-d-d-d-d-did I?"

Sarah:"Really Hannah"

I shrug "It was the perfect time!"



Me:"Matt,Heather Heather,Matt. Now go make out in a corner"

Heather's eyes go big

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