homesick (sebryan)

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Ryan buried his face deeper into his pillow and sighed for the millionth time. He missed Sebastian a lot. He went on a trip with Oliver a few days ago. Ryan missed snuggling with Sebastian, burying his face in his chest, hugging him and just being around him. He got frustrated at some point and stood up. He ran downstairs and looked for Regie. "Regie..." "Yes?" "Did Oli text you today?" "Uh yeah, why?" "Nothing. Did Seb text you?" "Yeah he facetimed too. Did you need anything tho?" "No, it's alright" Ryan was sad now. He went back up to his and Sebastian's shared room. He went to their closet and looked for Sebastian's hoodie. He put it on and clicked a picture to send him, with the caption "I stole your hoodie."

Sebastian received the text and opened it. "Oh~~ Ryan sent you a picture, is it a nude?" "Shut the fuck up" Sebastian rolled his eyes and opened the picture. Aww he looks so tiny. "Lovestruck?" Oliver questioned. "Oh shut up," Sebastian said, rolling his eyes.

The next day, Ryan wakes up even more miserable. He had no energy to get up, so he just laid in bed, and stared at the ceiling. During the afternoon tho, Justin forced Ryan out of bed and made him eat. Ryan spent the rest of his day gaming. He took a picture of his monitor that displayed a picture of Sebastian and some girl he met on vacation, his middle finger stuck out in front of the screen, the caption reading "Fuck you Moy" as he posted this on his story. He threw his phone on his bed and wrapped himself in his blanket.

The next few days slipped by, Ryan was miserable. Not just because Sebastian was gone, he kept on posting pictures with that vacation girl. He wasn't face-timing Ryan as he promised he would. Fuck face-timing, he wasn't even texting him. Ryan was growing more and more frustrated. He managed not to go insane, thanks to Regie and Justin. Like now, Regie walked into his room with a plate of food, "You should eat bruh." " It's fun to see you finally caring for someone" "Nah bruh, I be taking care of everyone, what you talking about?" Ryan just chuckled. "Give me the food, and thanks" "Anytime" Regie replied while handing him the plate. Ryan looked at the picture of Sebastian and that girl for the millionth time and let out a deep sigh. He switched off his phone and ate in silence. He fell asleep a few minutes later.

The next morning, he woke up to a lot of noise. He groaned in annoyance and pushed his face into his pillow. Wait...does that mean Seb's back? Ryan grabbed his phone and opened Sebastian's story, he was back. Ryan still didn't get out of bed and he didn't even have to, Sebastian came running up the stairs. "Good Morningggg" Sebastian said, Ryan smiled and pulled Sebastian to him and hugged him. "I missed you" Sebastian mumbles into Ryan's chest. "I felt very homesick, you know," Ryan said, Sebastian frowned at that and looked up at Ryan,"Homesick? I was the one away on the trip" "Exactly. Home doesn't always have to be a place, it's sometimes a person, and for me, that person is,  you," Ryan finished. Sebastian just clung onto Ryan, getting all the affection he missed.

Thank you for reading!
honestly, i wanna make a part two talking about that vacation girl and Seb and Ryan actually starting to date. hopefully y'all like it!!

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