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a/n: completely random and i might not get any comments but i wanna know your head-canons about any characters in this book i feel like that be so fun to read !!


"Was it totally awkward?" Kai took a seat at the table in Shawn and Jaxon's kitchen. They had decided to leave Gavin's family reunion after they realized that he no longer needed them there. Shawn had told him goodbye and they returned home when Kai and AJ came over.

"A little at first. It's very clear that Gavin needed to see his family though. He finally spoke to his dad so I'm pretty certain that they're gonna be alright." Shawn says.

AJ nods his head a little. "That's good. I think that it'll be good for Gavin. Does he seem better? I mean I understand that the trauma doesn't go away, but is he doing better?"

"Yeah, I think so," Shawn responds. "There's still that feeling that he might take off again but he's trying to stay optimistic. Anyways...How are you two doing? I feel like we haven't seen you guys in so long."

"We're doing good, yeah. Kai takes her test next week."

Jaxon walks into the kitchen, holding a wine bottle and some glasses in his hands. "Oh my god! The test?" Jaxon asks as he sets the glasses down on the table. "Like the one to CBEST or whatever?"

"Yeah, and then the other test the week after that," Kai says as she lets out a sigh. "I'm so fucking nervous."

Jaxon leaves back into the kitchen to grab two more wine glasses before taking a seat next to Shawn. "You're gonna do so good, Kai. Don't worry."

AJ smiles a little. "You're gonna ace it, babe."

Shawn opens the wine bottle, pouring up all four glasses. "What's on the test, do you know?"

"It's just like basic skill requirements and stuff." Kai reaches out and grabs the wine glass from Shawn. "Thank you."

"Do you know what age you wanna teach?"

Kai stares down into her wine glass, staring down at it. "Uh, either first or second."

"That's fun. You're gonna be such a cute teacher." Jaxon says, a smile on his face.

"What about y'all?" AJ asks, picking his wine glass up. "Any more wedding planning or are you guys keeping it on the back burner?"

"Uh...Working towards it. Jaxon graduates like...Next month so after that we're gonna start actually planning. But, I'm not sure how long until we're gonna put things into motion."

"Well, just let us know. We'll be here to help you guys move things into place."


It was the next day, both Jaxon and Shawn had the day off. Jaxon was standing at the stovetop, cooking breakfast for the two of them. There was music playing softly from his speaker while Shawn was sitting on the couch, drawing on his iPad.

Shawn stands from the couch, holding his iPad in his hands. He walks over to Jaxon, holding it out for him to see. "Does this look fucking stupid?" He asks.

Jaxon turns the burner off, turning his head to look at Shawn. "Hm?" Shawn nudges the iPad that was in his hands, signaling for him to look down. Jaxon averts his attention to the drawing Shawn was working on. "Uhm...It looks fine?"

Shawn turns it back to himself and shakes his head. "No, I feel like it looks weird. Are you sure it looks okay?"

A smile appears on Jaxon's face as he looks back down at the iPad. "Uh...Let me see it again." Jaxon grabs the iPad from him, taking his time to actually look at it. "Maybe you should add some shading. Otherwise, I think it looks good."

"Interesting," Shawn grabs it back and walks back into the living room. Jaxon watches him with a smile on his face as he returns back to his food. Jaxon jumps when he hears his phone start ringing while still connected to the speaker.

He picks it up from where it was sitting on the counter. He smiles at Kai's contact showing up on the screen, disconnecting it from his speaker so he can answer it. He presses the phone to his ear. "Good morning...What's up, love?"

"Hey," Kai answers, anxiety enveloped in her voice. "Uh, what're you up to? Are you at home?"

"Mhm. Making breakfast," Jaxon reaches up into the cabinets, grabbing two plates. "What about you? Are you okay? You sound kind of off."

"No, yeah. Just...Could you swing by my place after you eat? Or whenever you can."

"Sure," Jaxon stops his actions, standing still. "Hey, is everything okay? You and AJ? You seemed okay last night but is something wrong?"

"No, we're okay. AJ is at work I just...Need to talk to you about something," Kai finally lets out a deep breath. "I'm okay, I promise. I just need to talk."

"Okay. I'll head out after we eat, alright? Love you."

"Love you too. See you soon."

Jaxon hangs up the phone, furrowing his eyebrows. Shawn had walked into the kitchen, a look of concern on his face. "Everything okay?"

"I think so...I don't know," Jaxon looks up at Shawn, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know. She doesn't seem as 'Kai' as usual. She might be stressed about her big test."


"Knock, knock." Jaxon walks into Kai and AJ's apartment. He looks around and sees Kai sitting at their kitchen table, a glass of water sitting in front of him. "Hey, babe."

"Hey," Kai stands up from the table, reaching out to grab Jaxon into a hug. She pulls away, sighing as she walks into the living room.

Jaxon follows her, crossing his arms. "Kai, what's going on? You're acting so weird."

Kai covers her eyes with her hands, sighing. She turns around to look at Jaxon. "I'm late. I'm late by three weeks and I'm fucking freaking out."

"Oh...Are you sure? I-I mean maybe it's just-,"

"I track it monthly and...I completely spaced but...I noticed I haven't even opened my new box of tampons and...I don't know what to do."

"I thought you were on the pill? Isn't it a contraceptive?"

"It's like... ninety-one... ninety-nine percent effective. I...might've missed a day or so and it can interfere or whatever." Kai breathes in before groaning. "Fuck! We usually use protection but..."

"Okay, Kai. Calm down...Have you taken a test?"

"No...I'm too fucking scared. W-What if it's positive?"

"Well...You won't know til you take one. And...If it's positive...You'll deal with it. But, I think you should take a test before you jump to conclusions."

Kai sighs and walks away to her bedroom. When she returned, she was holding a plastic Walmart bag. She grabs the box of pregnancy tests and sighs. "What if it's positive? AJ is gonna hate me."

"You and AJ are gonna have to talk. He's the sweetest man you know. I promise you it will be fine. But, this," He points to the pregnancy test. "This is the first step."


𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝙱𝚘𝚢 (𝚋𝚡𝚋)Where stories live. Discover now