Chapter 1

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My life was great back in California, had a bit fame from my singing but it kind of died down, but still it was great. Now I was moving to England because of my father's job promotion and here I am now moving into a new home. Unpacking should be fun! Hint the sarcasm.

The house we moved into is nice, not the biggest or anything, but it works. It's a two story house with a narrow stairway and a decent sized kitchen. I decided I should start unpacking right away, you know get it done and over with. While I was putting my clothes into my small walk in closet the door bell rang. confused, because I didn't know anyone since I just moved here, I went down stairs to get it since my dad was already working. I opened the door and a girl probably a few years younger than me was at my door.

"Hi, I live right next to you and I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood," She greeted me with a huge smile on her face.

While at that she had a box of what looked like sugar cookies. Well this is nice and sweet. While I was drooling over the cookies she said, "my name is Charlotte but you can call me 'Lottie'!"

"Oh, my name is Leah, would you like to come in?" Charlotte seemed harmless so I invited her in. She then agreed to come in and she sat the box down on the table. She looked around the house and smiled when she saw the picture of my mom, dad, and I on the wall.

"So, are you home alone? It seems fairly quiet in here," Lottie asked, looking at other pictures lying around.

"Yeah, I'm home alone. I'm usually home alone a lot." I said awkwardly. I don't think I should be telling her this. I just met the girl, but then again I did invite her in.

"So, then where are your parents?" She questioned.

"Oh, my dad he is at work." Putting on a fake smile. Then there was the question I so did not like answering.

"What about your mum?" Talking about my mother makes me want to cry, it's such a hard topic. She got into a car crash with this drunk guy. I try not to think about it, but I miss her so much.

"She died when I was ten. She got into a car crash..." I don't know why I'm opening up to a stranger so fast. First letting her in my house and now telling her about my deceased mother, something about her vibe just makes me feel comfortable and trustworthy of her.

"I'm sorry," she said. A lot of people say that just to make me feel better and have no feelings to it, but when she said it she really meant it. I mean I don't need pity. I don't need anyone's.

"Thanks," was all I could say, because if I said anymore I think I will just break down and cry.

"Well I should get going!" Lottie said breaking the tension.

"Thanks for the cookies!" I said, I then showed her to the door and I grabbed a cookie and went up stairs to finish unpacking. I thought about Lottie and how sweet she was towards me even though we are complete strangers.

I can't wait to see where our new friendship goes.


Hey guys well this is my first story and I'm not the best at writing but I'll try my best! If there is anything you want to correct me on go for it! And thanks for reading!

My Best Friend's Brother [One direction/Louis Tomlinson fanfic] *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now