Chapter 14

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(Leah's POV)

I woke up to a very annoying buzzing noise next to my bed. I slap it like its an alarm and notice it's my phone. Who in the world is calling me at this time early in the morning! I look over at my alarm clock and see that its almost 1 in the afternoon. Oh well I just slept really long. Don't judge me I'm just tired! I answer my phone and answer saying, "Hello?" In my very unattractive voice I have when I just wake up.

"Hi Leah! What are you doing? Why do you sound like that!! You should come over!! Like right now!" A very enthusiastic Charlotte said. Girl calm down! There's nothing to be really happy about 1 in the afternoon! Gosh! Oh, I think it's the time of the month if you know what I mean girls. Ugh, my stomach is killing me!

"Uh.. I will be there in like 30, so yeah... bye!" I said really quick! I got up and took a shower and put on some shorts and a crop top, because It's the middle of the freaking hot summer! I grab my Iphone and put it in my pocket and a few cash. Then I fix my hair into a messy bun and put my shades on, even though its like a 5 second walk to her house but, I still look good in these shades. After that I walk over to Lottie's house and just walk in. I know she doesn't lock her door sometimes and this time is one of those times. She know's I just like to walk in. 

"Le Le!" Obviously it's Lottie screaming! But I don't see her anywhere?

"Where are you Lot?"

"In the kitchen!" That's when I here my stomach growl. Oh someones hungry! So I walk in there and I just go in the refrigerator and take the milk out then I walk to the pantry and get a box of Fruit Loops out. Lottie just stands there handing me a bowl and a spoon. I thank her for that and pour all the stuff together and start eating. Yes. This is what I just want right now! "So what's up?!" She ask me.

"I'm just hungry." Then I shove a spoon full of cereal into my mouth, i haven't had this in a long time! Wait somethings different, it's quiet, too quiet. Usually her other sisters are running around and screaming and Louis and his band mates are around."Where's everyone?"I ask.

"Well my mother took my sister's somewhere but, I didn't want to go, and Louis is back at the recording studio. There at the studio close to here, so Louis could hang around the house more instead of going to London and record all the way down there!" Lottie answers.

"Why didn't you go with them?" I ask another question.

"Well because I don't like sitting there listening to them, and I rather hang out with you today!"

"Great!! You know what we should do," I say putting my bowl and spoon into the sink and Lottie just nods at me to keep on going, "we should go window shopping!"

"Window shopping?" She says.

Then I go, "Yeah! Window shopping for like and hour or two then come back!" 

"But, you don't have a car! Remember?" Then I have an idea.

"There's something called a taxi Lot."

"Oh yeah! Let's go!" Then we make our way out the door and get a taxi to go 'window shopping', well I do need some more clothes and probably some dresses from the hotness but, the weather actually isn't that hot I mean it's warm! I don't like these type of weather I'm more of a fall/winter person. I just like the coldness. It's really beautiful out here the clouds covering the sun and it makes it cooler it's wonderful! I wish it was like this weather back in California! I need to go back to California soon! I could visit my friends that I had back there and probably go back to the studio and check if my manager is still there because I told him I needed a break so he doesn't need to think about me and go find somebody else! Yeah I should go back soon! Maybe I do want to go back singing, just not so sure! Well let's just see where it takes me!

"Le! We're here!" Lottie said as she got out the car and I'm still seated. So I take off the seatbelt and get out and pay the driver. When I turn around we are right in front of a Starbucks! Yes, my favorite! Lottie and i didn't even have to say a word to know what we were going to do: Walk into Starbucks! Lottie and I just got the same thing a Tazo Shaken Iced Passion Tea. It's really good! While we were walking out someone bumped into me and made me spill some of my tea on me! Great just great! 

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I didn't mean too!" The person who bumped into me said. Her voice was so familiar. When I looked up to see who it was, it was who I thought it would be. Eleanor. Every time I look at her I just- I just get jealous. There okay I said it I get jealous of her! She is really pretty and tall, she is a floor model! How can I compete to that! I'm short and probably ugly compared to her! People say I'm pretty but, if they see her I bet they would just push me out the way and go to her! No I'm not hating on her, I just wish I was her!  "Leah! Hello are you okay?" Eleanor says. I just noticed I was just staring at her the whole time!

"Yeah I'm fine, it's fine! Nice to see you again!" I lied and walked out to get a taxi to drive me back home. So window shopping was a bad idea. "Wait Leah," I heard Lottie say behind me, "where are you going?" 

"I just want to go home now actually, I'm not feeling so well actually." I replied, and the cramps are getting to me anyways! A taxi finally comes over and take Lottie and I back home. Lottie comes over, because she knows nobody is at her place right now and she is lonely at the moment with everyone not back home. 

"Wow I haven't really been in here before!" Lottie says and she looks around my room while I'm in my walk in closet looking for another shirt. Our rooms kind of look the same of how big it is, but I have done some make-over and changing my stuff around and my bed is in the corner and my tv is like in the other corner so yeah. I have some posters here and there and I have my skateboard resting against the wall near my bed. Yes I do skateboard but, I'm not the best.

"Nice skateboard!" Lottie says.

"Thanks!" I say after, that's when I hear the front door open and I always lock the front door and non of the boys have a key but, I gave one to Lottie which is around her neck as a necklace. My dads at work so who is it? Are we getting robbed?


Hello!!! Chapter 14 woohoo! 

Is it a longer chapter now?

A lot of things happen in this chapter right? Nah just about like 3 things but I guess it's better than the other chapters! This chapter took me about less time to write then the other chapters! Can you believe that! Weird right? 

Question time!

Who do you think is in the house?

Are they going to get robbed?

Do you like cheese? If you do which kind?

Do you like cookies? Do you eat it with milk?

Why am I going off track with my questions?

Thanks for reading and please comment/ vote it will mean a whole bunch!!! 

My Best Friend's Brother [One direction/Louis Tomlinson fanfic] *Editing*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant