Chapter 24

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(Louis' POV) (Three months later)

Leah. The girl that lays about three feet away from me on the soft hotel bed, wrapped up in the blankets. Her cute little sound of her snores. She's all I can think about since her birthday. It's like I have a addiction to her now. Like she is my drug. I feel like I really need to protect her and my feelings for her are way stronger than I need it to be.

She lays there so peacefully. I wish my arms were wrapped around her small figure. Her head on top of my chest. Her ear on my chest just listening to my heart beat. Me, lying with her, listening to her steady breathing. Inhale...Exhale...

I might just go crazy over her one day and get sent away.

That one night. Just that night, I felt it come alive. The sparks in my body where released and the sparks exploded everywhere. Now that I slightly remember that night I see the things we did in my sleep. I haven't had a good sleep since last year and now I'm getting them almost everyday since that night. It's all I can think about. I don't even remember using a condom!

A condom!

Sh**! A CONDOM! A FREAKING CONDOM! Why haven't I thought about that until now? Does she know if I used one? I bet I did use one probably. If I didn't she would have told me by now right? Gosh I'm freaking out in like seven in the morning!

I finally get up and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and put it to really hot. While I wait for the water to get hot I undress. When I mean undress I mean that I'm just taking off my boxers . I don't wear shirts nor pants to sleep. I get itchy at night when I wear it. I seriously don't know how people can wear that to sleep! So uncomfortable...

I step into the hot steaming water, which feels so good against my skin. Every time I'm in the shower, the only thing I can think about is Leah. Leah, Leah, Leah. Nothing else. They way she sways her body back and forth when listening to music. They way she closes her eyes and humming to one of her favorite slow song. The beautiful light brown eyes on her beautiful face. Her cheek bones. Her nose. Her eyes. Her lips. Oh her lips. So soft. Just thinking about her lips make me want to jump out of the shower and grab her and just kiss her.

During sound check the boys always notice that I'm not putting my best out or not paying attention to which song we are singing and sing the wrong words. All of that happens because of Leah. I can't stop thinking about her!

She's something special. She has this, like, magic spell over me, or something.

When I'm putting on my pants, Leah stirs a little and I freeze. One leg half way through one side of my pant and the other outside of the pant. I almost fall over, loosing my balance. I catch my self with the bathroom door and the door slams into the wall and a loud crash noise booms. Crap.

Leah jolts straight up and her hair all over her face. She looks so cute!

"What was that?" Leah questions. I stand there shirtless with my pants half way up my legs at the door. I look at the door, then back to Leah. I repeat the same actions a few more times.

"I ahh," I try to explain and now Leah giggling at me," I was putting on my pants and I almost fell and I pushed the door and it slammed into the wall...."

"Oh," Leah giggles. I smile at her silliness. She is so cute. Her hair falls in front of her face and she tried to blow it out of her face. After her attempt her piece of hair falls back on her face. She groans and pulls the blanket off of her and walks towards me.

" Oh, I forgot," Leah passes by me into the bathroom," good mornin'."

She smiles at me and closes the door. Seconds later I hear the shower going off.

Should she go to sound check with me today? I guess I can ask her first after she gets out of the shower.

The door opens and Leah comes out. The only thing that is covering her is a towel. A small little towel. I turn away to not stare at her. She grabs some clothes and walks back into the bathroom. She then comes out with a black skirt and a cropped shirt thing.

"Do you want to go to sound check with me today with the boys?" I ask her.

"Yeah! I would love too! Is Five Second of Summer going to be there?"

''Yes, they're going to be there too."

"Yay!" Leah jumps up and down clapping. Why is she so excited to see them? Are they better than us? Does she like them more than One Direction? She can't!

I mean she can, but ugh, never mind.

Leah then rushes to the mirror and applies make up to her natural beautiful face. I just don't get make up. I sit there and don't say anything. I don't want her sassing me right now.

After she is done, we both meet with the boys in the lobby. All of us get in the car and drive to the Arena for sound check. I seriously don't want 5 Seconds Of Summer there right now. I just want it to be us five guys and Leah. I just want her to watch me sing and admire her while she sits there looking at me and I looking back.

I sound so greedy... Oops.

We finally arrive and walk inside the American Airlines Arena. Today is such a beautiful day in Miami really. I would love to live here.

We all get inside and I see Leah running to Luke, giving him a hug. She moves on to Michael, Calum, and also Ashton. Michael tells her a joke then she giggles. That giggle. I'm suppose to make her giggle.

My feelings for Leah are crazy.


Leah's Outfit:

My Best Friend's Brother [One direction/Louis Tomlinson fanfic] *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now