Chapter 26

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  • Dedicated to All of my amazing readers! :)

(Leah's POV)

Today is the day. The doctors appointment. Ashton is coming with me. Only Ashton and I are the ones that knows. About the appointment obviously. We told the boys we are going to get some food for everyone. Probably go to McDonald's and get them some food from there. Right now some warm cheese pizza sounds so good. I've been craving some cheese pizza for like days now! I don't know why I haven't gotten any yet! Never mind about McDonald's, pizza it is! 

Ashton and I get to the doctors and wait in the waiting room. I sit there and fill out some paperwork while Ashton plays a game on his phone. I hand back the clipboard and sit back down and wait another fifteen minutes.

" Ms. McGill?" A lady says. I stand up and straighten my shirt out. I look back down at Ashton and he says he is going to wait there for me. I nod at him and make my way towards the lady. We both walk down to a small size room. She asks me some questions like 'how was your day' and 'how are you feeling'. All the questions people always ask to be nice you know?

"So, tell me what's the problem again?"

"Well, I've been having these weird stomach feelings. I've also been throwing up sometimes. They always seem like the same time of the day. I seriously don't know what's going on." I nervously laugh. Deep breaths Leah. Deep breaths.

"Okay. Well what I would need you to do for me is there is going to be a cup in the toilets, and please when you are finish, please write your name on it and put it in the little box."

"Alrighty," I say. I get up and walk over to the toilets and do what I am asked to do. I go back into the room and the doctor that came in, which her name was Doctor Sisk, is still there filling out some papers. I sit back onto the bed looking thing where I sat at before. 

"Have you been craving certain foods too?" Dr. Sisk ask me.

"Yeah, actually I'm craving cheese pizza right now." I chuckle and shake my head. Dr. Sisk laughes with me. She nods and write on her paper again. 

"I'm going to be right back. I'm going to get some test results from your urine." 

"Okay." I sigh. Nervous from what the results will say. I rubs my hands together from my nerves. I wonder how Ashton is doing out there? I slip my phone out of my pocket and send him a quick text.

How ya doing out there? ~LeLe

I'm alright. What about you? ~ Ash ;)

Really nervous! I think the doctor is coming back I'll be out there soon! ttyl! ~ LeLe

I put my phone back into my pocket right when Dr. Sisk knocks on my door and enters.

"Have you had any sexual activities lately?" Dr. Sisk asked me. I feel my cheeks burn a little.

"No, not since three months ago." I answer back.

"Have you missed any periods?" I gasp. How did I forget?! I've missed two! TWO!

"Oh my gosh!" I breathe out. Deep breaths Leah. Deep breaths. No. No. No! This can't be happening! I'm only nineteen!


"How did it go Leah?" Ashton pops right up when he sees me. Come on Leah. Deep breaths! 

"I don't want to talk about it right now Ashton.." I murmur to him. I don't know what to think. I don't want to think! This can't be true!

Can I just wake up from this nightmare! It all adds up. All the food craving. The stomach ache. The throwing up. The late period. It all adds up. Gosh I was so stupid. Louis is going to freak out about this! I can't tell anybody. I don't want to trust anybody. This is going to be hell! 

I can't keep this a secret for long! I'm on tour with the biggest boy band in the world. Of course someone is going to find out! I can't hide forever. Plus I still have like three or four more months with these boys. Also we haven't even gone to California yet. I wen't on this tour to go to California. And so many things had happened. 

My dad! What will my dad think? 

Ashton and I walk back into our hotel. Luckly the fans didn't see us. I seriously don't want my picture taken or anything right now.

I follow Ashton back into his room and nobody else is in their just Ashton and I. I think I should tell him. I can trust him. That's why he is my best friend.

"Ashton, do you really want to know?" I asked Ashton.

"Well if you are comfortable and ready to tell me then alright." Ashton replys. 

(Louis' POV)

"Promise me you wont tell anybody until I say something. Especially Louis!" I hear Leah's voice in Ashton's room. I came to his room to see if he has seen Leah around. I guess I found her, but what is she going to say to Ashton?

So I stand right outside listening to them talk. I really want to know what she has to say and what Ashton can't tell me about. But why is she keeping a secret from me. Does she regret what we did. Does she not have feelings for me. What is it?!

"I promise Leah, you can trust me. I won't tell anybody." Ashton sounds really serious right now. I've never heard him so serious before. This is why Leah can trust Ashton and why they're best friends. I can't be like that. That's why she wont tell me this secret and is now telling Ashton. Leah won't know that I know about this secret though because obviously she doesn't know I'm outside here listening to her and Ashton.

"Ashton...," Leah says shakily, " I'm pregnant." 




The End! Omg. Okay, so I finally finished this story! It has been like a year since I started this story! I started this story on March 15th and it's so close to that day! The next book/story (sequel) will be coming soon probably in May!

I love you all! Thanks! :)

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