Chapter 20

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(Harry's POV) 

All five of us boys decided to go back to Louis' house to tell Leah about the amazing news we have for her! She will be coming to every show with us and she will get to travel and meet our fans. This is fantastic! It would be a lot better if she was our opening act but, I can't do anything now since we already have really good opening acts too. 

We left early in the morning well not really because you know Zayn, he is really hard to wake up most times, so we had to keep on yelling at him to wake up this morning. So now we are almost to Louis' house in like twenty minutes, so why not blast on some music! Time seemed to speed up as we sing ,or you could say scream the lyrics to the song, and now we are in front of Louis' house. My heart seems to pound harder every second. I'm so nervous to see her again, its been a few months now. 

While I walk to her door I have a smile plastered on my face. Leah does bring smiles to my face just thinking of her. Who ever marries her will be very lucky, maybe I will. I will just have to wait and see. I'm in front of her door and all the guys are still far back behind me. Slow people these days. Before I ring her door bell I take in a deep breath to prepare myself. 'Prepare for what,' I think to myself 'ugh! I don't know.' 

"Just ring the bell already!" Louis says. I slightly jump and have a mini heart attack feeling. Well now their here. "Okay, okay. Gosh..." I find her door bell and press it. I hear the echos of the bell ring throughout her house. A few seconds later a tired looking Leah opens the door. Her hair is up in a messy bun and she has a big sweater on with some little shorts with house slippers that have monkey's on them. She looks so cute in that outfit. What really stands out is her natural beauty. I know that sounds all corny or cheesy, but it is true I never really seen her without some make-up on before. The other thing that kind of stands out is that she has a nose ring... When did that happen? She looks great with it though! 

"Leah..," I breath out and smile at her about to lean in to hug her. 

"Harry," Leah says with a hint of shock on her face also smiling at me while giving me a hug back, " and Liam, Niall, Zayn... Louis."  Leah then looks at Louis and has an even bigger smile on her face. Fine, okay I admit it I'm jealous. What does Louis have that I don't? 

"You're all back! It's good to see you guy's again," she says while opening the door a bit more so we all can come inside her house. Leah's house looks just likes Louis' house but the furniture is just in different locations. We all sit down on the couch and she asks us if we wants anything to drink we all just say soda. She goes into the kitchen and comes back with the drinks. I think to myself that I could of gone in there and help her out. I'm so stupid! I could of made a move in there if it were possible. 

" So how is everything going? Are you going to tour soon?" Asked Leah. Well perfect timing on telling her she can go touring with us! 

" Everything is going great! We are going on tour soon and we actually have really exciting news about it," I said joyfully. Leah nodded her head for me to go on about the 'exciting news' I had. 

"Okay so the exciting news is you can come with us on tour! Since you know you said that you wanted to go back to California we can take you but you have to come on tour with us first to get there...," I said to Leah. She didn't say anything and her face was blank so I couldn't tell what she was feeling nor thinking. 

"Are you sure you want me to go on tour with all of you? I'm going to be like the only girl on the bus and I don't want to ruin anything it's your time to be together and I will just get in the way won't I?" Leah finally said after her silence.

"Oh no you won't bother us. We all want you to come Leah! We will make sure you have a great time with us and we all will have a great time with you!" I replied. 

Niall then said, "Yeah Lele, we want you to come with us it's going to be really fun with you on the bus with us and you can keep us company too and we can play games all day or tour around the places we go too and we'll have a great time! So please come with us!" Niall got down on his knees and begged Leah.

"Okay fine," Leah said and we all cheered well mostly Niall and I, but the three other boys just smiled and kind of clapped, well they don't look excited," but I have to ask my dad first." 

( third person) 

Leah did really want to go on tour with them when she heard the 'exciting news' because she could get closer to Louis. Zayn didn't really want her to come but he kept it to himself, it's not that he doesn't like her as a friend it's just that he thinks they don't really bond as much as the other guys did bond with her. He felt, lets just say uncomfortable.

Liam didn't mind at all, but it's just that Harry should of said something before he asked Nick and Natalie. Liam thinks that Harry is their best friends and should tell them and to get their opinions on what they think about having Leah on the bus with him and the other guys. 

Louis was actually quiet happy that she said yes, but she had to ask her dad first and got sad at the thought of her dad saying no. Louis was also surprised when he was happy about Leah coming on tour. He didn't want Harry to get her but, he also didn't want Leah, but his feelings for Leah is just hidden and still can't figure it out about his feeling toward her. Louis is scared of getting rejected and doesn't know if Leah will feel the same way too so he just thinks he is really confused, when really his thoughts are clear and is right in front of him. Louis is just blinded from his thoughts to notice Leah falling head over heels for him. Everyone can see it clearly but not Louis.

Louis just doubts himself and sometimes he just thinks he likes Leah but then his mind wonders over to the girl he met, Eleanor.


Thanks for reading and for all the comments and votes! They mean a lot! :D

~ Tifferr

My Best Friend's Brother [One direction/Louis Tomlinson fanfic] *Editing*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat