👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family Line 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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Stan: 16
Kyle: 16
(Based on their birthdays and what time the story is set in.)

Word count: 3038

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"Daddy issues may be painful, but they can also be a source of strength if we learn to heal and move forward."

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Conan Gray era is back and here for the part two! If you don't know, me and my friend strangerthings_child are doing a Conan Gray colab where she writes oneshots for the songs in Conan Grays Kid Krow album, and I write oneshots for the songs in Conan Grays Superache album. We are calling it the Conan Gray era!

This oneshot is based off of the song Family Line, so please go check it out! And check out the rest of Conan Grays music while you're at it, it's all amazing.


Stan stared at his dad, eyes watery and emotions running wild. "All you do is drink! You never have time for us!" Stan yelled.

His father, Randy, stared at him while bringing his bottle of beer up to his mouth to take a sip.

"Stanley, honey, it's okay," Stan's mother, Sharon, whispered, putting a hand on Stan's tense shoulder.

"No! It's not okay! Look at him! He's just sitting on the couch getting wasted like he always does!" Stan screamed, pointing a finger at his drunk father. Sharon frowned, and Randy scoffed.

"You'll understand once you have a teenager as troublesome and lazy as you," Randy mumbled.

"Randy!" Sharon said, staring at her husband in disbelief. She looked like she wanted to say more, but didn't.

Stan huffed and walked over to the TV, turning it off.

"Hey! I was watching that!" Randy complained.

"I know you were, but you need to pay attention to my words, not the TV," Stan decided. He took a breath before continuing, "you have tormented me my whole entire life. Every day I come home from school, I sigh knowing I'm gonna see my dad drunk on the couch. And my biggest fear, something I think about every day, is becoming you. Because you are troublesome. You are lazy. And you are the exact opposite of what I want to be when I grow up."

Sharon stared at her son, in disbelief. She watched in slow motion as Randy stood up and walked over to Stan.

"What did you say?" Randy asked, a tint of anger in his eyes.

"I said--" pain. Stan felt a sharp pain on the right side of his face. A pain that went throughout his body in a quick jolt, then went to the spot that his father had slapped him. And then the pain turned emotional. In one second his eyes welled up with tears, then the next second they were overflowing and running down his face.

Sharon ran over and grabbed Stan's arm. She pulled him away from Randy and dragged him to the kitchen. While getting dragged, Stan looked behind himself to see his dad still standing there, staring at the spot Stan was just standing.

Sharon sat Stan down on one of the chairs in their kitchen, then rummaged through the freezer to find an ice pack.

"I don't need ice," Stan told his mother.

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