🔄 Role Swap 🔄

698 20 272

Stan: 18
Kyle: 17
Rebecca: 17
(Based on their birthdays and what time the story is set in.)

Word count: 2107

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"Cheating and lying aren't struggles, they're reasons to break up."
                             -Patti Callahan Henry

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(This is basically just the plot of most Style fanfics, except the roles are swapped because I thought it would be super silly.)

"Are you serious, 'Becca? You cheated on me again?" Kyle tried to not look hurt, but he was. His girlfriend, Rebecca had cheated on him twelve times now since she moved back to South Park four years ago for freshman year. When she came back, Kyle was immediately head over heels for her like how he was back in elementary school, but she also played with his heart like how she did back in elementary school.

"It was nothing, Kyle. It meant nothing." She rolled her eyes, her hazel eyes showing annoyance, and Kyle felt she had no right to be annoyed with him.

"If it meant nothing then why did you do it?" He frowned. He really thought she was better than this, but at this point he had to stop hoping. Every time she promised she wouldn't do it again she must've been crossing her fingers.

"I was bored!" She yelled, like that was some sort of a reasonable explanation.

"Oh yeah? Just like all the other times? Were you bored when you cheated on me at Bebe's party? How about when you cheated on me last weekend when we were supposed to be on a date? Or how about that one time we actually were on a date and you decided to cheat on me with some stranger in the men's bathroom?" He had only named three other times she cheated, but they both knew how many more there were, and even Rebecca had lost count.

"So what? You're breaking up with me over this?"

"This is a pretty valid reason to break up with someone. You're lucky I stayed this long."

Rebecca scowled at him. He stared at her with pity, and longing. He longed for the Rebecca he used to know. The one who was smart, had priorities, was nice to everyone, and the girl in front of him isn't her. This was a girl with blue eyeshadow smeared messily on her eyelids just so she would look more attractive to guys that weren't her boyfriend.

"Yeah, that's fine. I wonder how many times you've cheated on me with your so-called best friend." She smiled like she had won the argument, but Kyle's disappointed frown just deepened.

"You're childish, Rebecca. Grow up." And with that he left her house.


Stan sat on his living room couch, bored and scrolling through the TV channels. He had already finished all his homework, and was now waiting for something to make his day interesting.

There was a knock at the door. And Stan couldn't explain what he meant, but he swore that the knock sounded sad. And Stan knew who it was.

"Coming, Ky!" He called out, lazily standing from his couch. Kyle often showed up on Stan's doorstep, sad and rambling about how his girlfriend cheated on him for like the millionth time. So when Stan opened the door to see a crying, probably drunk Kyle, he wasn't surprised in the slightest. "Who was it this time?" Stan asked sadly, already allowing Kyle to cry on his shoulder before he had even walked into the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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