🏕️ Scary Stories 🏕️

528 19 144

Stan: 14
Kyle: 14
Kenny: 14
Cartman: 13
(Based on their birthdays and what time the story is set in.)

Word count: 2563

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"At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling."

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"And then... he ate them!"


Cartman sat down from his standing-like-a-murderer position to laugh. He pointed at Stan, who was across the campfire from Cartman and covering his eyes with his hands. The story wasn't even scary, in Kyle's opinion. It was a story about some guy eating veal.

"That's horrible!" Stan replied, much to Cartman's amusement.

Kyle sat right beside Stan on a tree log, one that was set up for various campers. It was late June, school had just ended a week and a half ago. The four boys from school, Cartman, Stan, Kyle, and for some reason the very quiet Kenny, decided to go camping. The original plan was to go hunting, but Stan wouldn't allow it, so now Cartman was torturing the poor boy with murdered animal mental images.

"Cut it out, Cartman." Kyle butt in. "Why are you so obsessed with the fact that Stan isn't an animal murdering maniac like you?"

Kenny snickered while Cartman rolled his eyes. Kenny was sitting across the campfire from Stan and Kyle, on Cartman's left. He hadn't really been talking much, but his presence was still nice.

Kyle felt a poke on his right arm, and turned his head to see Stan looking at him with worry. "Hey." He whispered. "The sun is setting, do you think we should go inside the tent now?" He spoke. Kyle lifted his head to look at the giant tent they had all (minus Cartman) built together earlier. He was about to reply, when Kenny spoke up.

"Hey, I got one."

Stan scoffed and turned away from Kyle to face Kenny. "If this is another stupid story about dying animals just to scare me, we don't wanna hear it." He said, referring to him and Kyle. And Stan was right, Kyle was sick of the dying animal stories.

"No, no. It's not. I've got an actual good story, unlike Cartman's." Kyle and Stan giggled while Cartman yelled "hey!" At Kenny.

By the time the four boys settled down, the sun had fully set. All they could see was the fire that took them thirty minutes to start, and the illuminated faces of their three friends. And all they could hear was the crackling fire, the crickets, and the occasional frog croak or owl hoot.

Kenny cleared his throat, and six eyes landed on him. "Once upon a time, there were four boys, best friends since kindergarten. They had decided to go camping one dark night, a night a lot like this one."

"Oh shut up, Kenny. This is some dumb cliche horror story." Cartman said with a fake yawn. Kenny ignored him.

"And there was a big camp fire, much like this one." Kenny gestured to the fire in front of them. Stan listened and watched intently, and Kyle looked around at his surroundings. "The fire was bright, illuminating only its proximity to the forest. The flames cracked and grew, the heat rising and tip-toeing across the cheeks of the four boys."

Kyle stared at something in the forest while listening. It was too dark to see, but he assumed it was just a bush and brushed it off. He was too interested in Kenny's story, anyway. Who knew he was so good at storytelling?

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