Chapter 2

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Im sorry lovelies.For the late update.I just start writing and my home wife got problem and couldn't connect.Wow.What a luck.As a Apology i write this chapter alittle long.


At afternoon
Korn Kinn Tankhun and some important bodyguards like Big Arm Pete and Pol are waiting in the living room for the newbie to arrive.After afew mins some bodyguards and the newbie arrive.
bodyguard: Sir we have brought him.
Korn:Good you can leave now.
The bodyguards bow and left.They all look at the newbie head to toe.He was wearing green shirt and jeans.
Korn:What's your name?
Porsche:Porsche sir.
Korn: Gender and age?
Porsche: Omega and 22.
Korn:This is Kinn.My middle are hirred as his private bodyguard. You need to obey him and protect him at any cost.Got it?
Porsche: Yes sir.I got it.
Korn: These two will explain everything to you.
Korn said while pointing at Arm and Pete.Porsche look at them and back to Korn.
Korn:Ok so everything is settled. You can go now.
Porsche bow at him and follow Arm and Pete.
Korn:Do you like him?Kinn
Kinn:I just met him.I dont know what to say.
Korn:Its ok.
Tankhun: Hey Kinn I can tease him right?
Kinn:Sure do whatever you want.I dont care.
Then they go to their own way.

With Porsche Arm and Pete

Pete:Welcome Porsche.
Porsche: Thanks btw what's your name?
Pete:Pete and a beta.
Arm:Arm and also a beta.
Porsche: You guys already know about me.
pete:Yeah.Let us show you your room.
They show Porsche his room and explain everything about the place.
Pete:Got it?
Porsche: Yeah.
Arm:Then get ready and come where we told you to.
Porsche: Ok.
Them Porsche enter his room and get ready.Arm And Pete left from there.
Arm:Isn't he cute?
Pete:Yes very.After all he's an omega.
They both laugh then they meet Kinn
Arm and Pete: Hello khun.
Kinn:Where's the newbie?
Pete:He's getting ready.
Kinn:Ok you can leave now.
They both bow and left from there.Kinn also go to his own way.
After afew mins Porsche finish and he come out from his room.He go to the place where Arm and Pete told him to come.When he get there he saw other bodyguards are also there and was in a line.He saw Pete and Arm are also there.He go beside Pete and wisper
Porsche: What's going on?
Pete: The second family is coming.We are here to welcome them.
Then Porsche also stand straight with others.At the same time Korn Kinn and Tankhun arrive.Kinn's eyes fall on Porsche.He was wearing the bodyguard cloth so his body was visibly visible.Kinn face become hot.He immediately look away.
Kinn pov:WTH! Am I blushing for someone I just me?!Damn it!
Kinn relax himself.Afew mins later the second family arrive.Firstly a man get down from the car.He was btw 30 and 40 and an alpha.Then a man and a boy get down.
The man was Vegas and an alpha.The boy was macao and also an alpha. When the second family arrive all the bodyguards bow down and greet them.
Then they stand straight. They go to Kinn and others and greet them.Then vegas eyes fall on Porsche.He scan him head to toe and amirk.
Vegas pov: He's cute and never seen him before.I think a new bodyguard.
Then they all get inside and start the meeting.But Porsche?
He already got bored so when he got chance he sneak out to the garden.He walk around and saw a boy feeding the fishes from the pond.He go there and sit beside him.
Porsche: Hey little bro.What are you doing?
Macao look at the guy who was smiling at him.
Macao:Im feeding the fish bc I dont wanna stay in that boring meeting.
Porsche: I agree.
Macao:Are you new here? I have never seen you before.
Porsche:Yea today is my first day.
Macao:I see.What your name and gender?
Porsche: Porsche and an omega.
Macao:Omega?They hirred an omega?
Porsche:I know It's weird.They should hire a beta or an alpha.Why choose an omega like me?
Macao:Don't you like being an omega?
Porsche: It's not like I don't like being an omega.Being an omega is not easy too.I always got eyeraping wherever i go.
Macao quietly listen to him
Porsche:I have a little brother who is an omega too.Im also afraid for him.
Macao:Hey Porsche dont worry.I'll always be with you.Dont forget that you have another little brother.
Porsche chuckled.
Porsche: Thanks little bro.I think we should go now.
Macao nodded and they both go back.When they arrive there the meeting was already finished.Macao go to his brother.
Vegas:Where were you idiot?
Macao:Shut up.I was with Porsche.
Macao:hm.He's the new bodyguard. That's him.
Macao said while pointing at him.Porsche just smile at them.Vegas was staring at nonstop.Macao noticed the situation and
Macao:oi dont stare at him.I know he's cute but dont make him unconfortable.
Porsche got shy by Macao.Vegas immediately look away and glare at Macao.
Vegas:We have to leave.
Vegas pulled him by his hand.Macao yelled
Macao: I'll come again to meet you phi.Bye!

Porsche chuckled and wave at him.The second family has left.
Others were just staring at him in shock.Porsche was confuse.Then Pete come to him .
Pete:How did you make Macao like that?
Porsche: What's wrong?I just talk to him nicely.And his name is Macao?I didn't even ask his name.
Then Kinn come to them.
Kinn:Cut you bullshit. You are now so you need to train alot.Pete take him.
Pete:Yes khun.
Pete bow and take Porsche with him.Porsche was alittle angry bc of his attitude.
Pete:We are going to the trainging room.Train hard ok?
Porsche nodded.Then they arrived to the training room.When they enter everyone was staring at them.
They both go to the master who train other bodyguards.Pete bow to him.
Pete:Khun this is Porsche the newbie.Pls train him.
Porsche look at the man.He's was btw 20 and 30.
Chan:Hi Im Chan.Master of training and also the leader of the bodyguards.
Porsche:Nice to meet you too.
Chan:You can leave now Pete.
Pete bow and left.

That is for today.Pls wait patiently for my updates.
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Byebye see you in next chapter.

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