B. Arc Chp 5: Fury of the Dragon

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After the dragon breather revealed himself to the demon fishes, YN wipe out all the demon fishes and with a help of Mitsuri who's using a strange type of sword yet its special made by the chief of the village.

YN: Those were the last of them. I see no other demon aura near.

Mitsuri: Then the village is finally safe.

YN: I'm afraid that this is far from over.

Mitsuri: Hmm?

YN: Those were mere demon henchmen or something, someone was commanding them to raid this village.

Mitsuri: Who would sent many demons to destroy this village?

YN couldn't help but smirk to know that this demon may be powerful than the demon fishes.

YN: A worthy challenge.

CN: Caw! There's a another demon close! Another demon close! Follow me!

YN sheathe his sword before leaving but he stops to talk to Mitsuri.

YN: Go and help the chief, after that, find Tanjiro and Nezuko help him. I'll meet back as soon as possible.

Mitsuri could help but blushes of how manly he spoken. Before she could say anything, he left and follow his crow.

Short time skip.

As YN follows his crow, they finally reach the destination and he notice that Muichiro is trapped in some kind of water while a child tries to free him.

However, he also notice that there's a smaller demon fish but with strange claws yet sharp enough to kill anyone

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However, he also notice that there's a smaller demon fish but with strange claws yet sharp enough to kill anyone.

Quickly figuring that the boy is in danger, he wasted no time but to kill the demon fish before it could get near the boy

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Quickly figuring that the boy is in danger, he wasted no time but to kill the demon fish before it could get near the boy. The boy was shock to see YN in his dragon form.

YN: You alright?

Kotetsu: Y-yeah, who are you?

YN: (Smiles.) I'm a friend.

Demon Slayer: The Dragon Breather//malereader (On Hold.)Where stories live. Discover now