Chapter 8: Dangerous Deal

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All eyes were fixed on me as I made my way towards the office of Hazza Harrison, the notorious playboy and son of the Onyx Legion. Rumors had it that he only pursued models and celebrities he found attractive, rather than just any random girl at a club.

"Are you sure about this, F? This guy seems like trouble. Shouldn't we bring some protection?" Tre asked me as we approached the room.

"I don't want to make enemies. Besides, we need the materials, so we have to set our pride aside," I reassured him, opening the door.

Hazza's face lit up with a grin when he saw me in the red dress he had requested earlier that morning. I had been kind enough to oblige.

"Take a seat," he said, motioning towards a couch. He wanted me right beside him. I obliged, joining him on the couch. "You're as stunning as ever, Ms. Chankimha," he remarked with a smirk, caressing my cheek. I pretended to be flattered by his compliment.

"Thank you for the kind words, Mr. Harrison. I won't take up too much of your time," I reminded him.

"Ah, yes, I understand you're a busy person, Ms. Chankimha. I suppose that's why you've remained single," Mr. Harrison replied, offering me a glass of wine. "And look, you've only brought one guard. It seems you trust my father in this matter, huh?" He chuckled and took a sip.

"I'm willing to pay the price for the materials, Mr. Harrison. I'm not here to cause any trouble between us," I smiled.

"Yeah, I know how ridiculously rich you are." Hazza placed his hands on my legs and gave them a gentle squeeze. "However, I'm filthy rich too, so I don't need your money."

"Then tell me, what do you want?" I inquired.

Hazza grinned mischievously, his hands moving from my legs to my neck, gently caressing my cheek. "You. In my bed. Naked."

I noticed Tre's fists clenching, and just as Hazza was about to kiss me, Tre pointed a gun at him. In an instant, Hazza's guards retaliated, pointing their guns at Tre. Hazza found amusement in the tense atmosphere created by our bodyguards.

I signaled Tre to lower his gun, and he apologized. Hazza stood up and approached Tre, chuckling before delivering a punch to his stomach, causing Tre to groan in pain.

"You dared to point your gun at me?" Hazza scoffed, running his fingers through his hair.

"That's enough, Mr. Harrison. I accept your proposal," I said, causing Tre to look at me with wide eyes due to my unexpected response. "Can you let us know when?"

"Tonight, 9 p.m.," Hazza replied.

"Deal." I stood up and extended my hand.

Hazza took it, but he pulled me closer to him and attempted to kiss my neck, causing me to roll my eyes. Why was everyone so fixated on my neck?

Tre didn't stop scolding me during the ride back. He continued until we reached the manor and even as we entered my office.

"F, why did you have to accept his deal? Couldn't you have offered something else, like giving him the weapon afterwards?" he asked incredulously. "Are you really going to... you know... with him?"

"Do you want Becky to kill me?" I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"You're not afraid of guns, but you're afraid of Becky?" he scoffed.

"Don't worry about me, Tre. I have a plan," I smirked.

"Is he done fooling around with every woman in the neighborhood that he now wants you? I'm so done with that pervert," Tre muttered, opening the door to leave just as Becky entered.

Becky glanced at me, then at Tre, and he excused himself, leaving me alone with her after his comment.

Damn you, Tre.

"Who wants you?" Becky asked, causing me to slap my forehead.

I'll get back at you, Tre.

"It's the deal Mr. Harrison offered. In exchange for the materials I needed, he wants me to spend the night with him," I explained, sighing.

"I see," she muttered. "What do you plan to do after that?"

"I have a plan, babe. I'm not going to give him what he wants," I reassured her, standing up and reaching for her hands. I pulled her closer and hugged her tightly. "It's just that Mr. Harrison is physically stronger than me, and he could crush me if he wanted to. So, I have to play it safe," I explained.

"Freen, I don't want to see you kissing someone else. Is that too much to ask?" Becky's tone turned sad. "I can't bear to see you in another person's arms. It would kill me."

I kissed the top of her head, assuring her that she wouldn't see me in that situation.

"So, what's your plan?" she asked, lifting her face to look at me.

"I'll hire someone to pose as a hotel steward and slip pills into his drink," I replied.

"Hire me," Becky suggested, releasing herself from the embrace. "I can go undercover."

"But don't you want to avoid seeing me with someone else?" I questioned.

Becky's eyes flashed with fury. "So you're planning to do it behind my back? No, I'll go with you. Later, right? I'll prepare myself," Becky declared, leaving the room and leaving me dumbfounded.

Damn, what kind of question was that?

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