Chapter 16: Alex

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The bus dropped Elena and I off. Then we only had a few minutes walk to the power grid.

When we arrived at the clearing, Optimus Prime was already present along with Arcee. Bumblebee's fallen form lay nearby. My heart ached as I thought of how he had died trying to protect all of us-trying to protect this world.

Suddenly there was a revving sound.

Whirling around, I watched as a familiar gray Porsche drifted around the corner  and pulled into view. As it neared us, the car whirled around, transforming back into Mirage. Noah and Ray now stood by his side.

Both had changed and I felt my heart jump a little as I thought how pretty Ray looked with the pink bandana in her auburn hair

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Both had changed and I felt my heart jump a little as I thought how pretty Ray looked with the pink bandana in her auburn hair.

    "Woohoo!" Mirage pumped his fist into the air. "The party has arrived!"

"Way to be incognito," Optimus Prime frowned at the autobot, his voice showing he was anything but pleased.

    "About time," Her arms folded as she leaned against the wall of a run-down warehouse, Arcee rolled her eyes.

    "So how are we getting there? First Class?" Mirage beamed brightly. "If so I call window seat."

    I could not help but marvel at this autobot's peppiness. He was smaller than all the others in height and yet he had so much more personality than all of them combined. In a way, he kind of reminded me of Ray-if she were an autobot that is.

    "Hey Alex," Ray waved as she walked over to me. She threw her arms around my neck, giving me a quick hug.

    "Hey you look nice," I said shyly. My heart was hammering from her touch. But I had yet to tell Ray how I really felt-she had no idea she was the one girl I had a crush on all through middle school and high school.

    Someone cleared their throat.

Ray pulled back and smiled as she gestured at the young man behind her. "Alex, I'm sure you remember Noah."

At once I recognized him as the man who had broken into the museum and tried to steal the object from Elena and I. So I nodded and held out my hand.  Noah hesitated but then he reached out and shook it a bit roughly. I winced a little and then rubbed my hand. He sure had a tight grip.

"Is this your sister?" Elena spoke up by my side.

I shook my head. "No, this is my friend, Ray." I turned to her. "Ray, Noah, this is Elena." A worrisome feeling filled me as I thought of my real sister. Where was Amy? I fell silent.

"Hi," Elena smiled a little timidly and all of the sudden I realized she had suddenly become shy. It reminded me...or myself and the way I acted around strangers.

Suddenly a commotion broke up our interview.

"So Prime, if we aren't flying first class how are we gonna get there?" Mirage exclaimed.

There was a sudden loud roaring from above. A gust of wind shot down, tossing my jacket.

A large cargo jet was flying into view.

A large cargo jet was flying into view

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"Oh no, no no..." Mirage groaned, throwing his metal hand up. "Yeah bye everyone," he waved as he turned to walk away. "I'm walking to Peru."

"Mirage!" I watched with some amusement as Ray stormed up to the autobot. She folded her arms and smirked at him in a way that made my heart swell. I had always loved when she smiled like that.

    "I hope you know how to swim then," Ray said sweetly, lips curled up in a smile.

    "Uh..." Mirage scratched the back of his metal neck. "Why?"

    "Because you'll have to cross an ocean," Now Ray folded her arms, eyebrows raised. "With sharp toothed sharks, large bumper whales and slimy squids."

    I held back a snicker as I saw Mirage's optics widen.

    "Actually," the autobot gave a nervous laugh. "I think I'll ride with you guys-it will be much faster."


"You've been awfully quiet, Boy."

From where I sat in the cockpit, I stared at the radio-an autobot insignia clearly distinct on the glass screen.

Stratosphere-the large kind of worn cargo jet–was giving us all a ride to Peru. From there we would head to the Temple to get the Key.

Instead of replying to the autobot, I shrugged, still not replying. I was worrying about Amy. And there was something else on my mind as well.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I said hastily, staring out the glass window at the clouds shooting by.

"That ain't true, I can see it in your face," Stratosphere's deep voice rumbled. "Now what's wrong?"

"A lot," Sighing, I folded my arms. "Amy is still out there on her own somewhere and now that I found Ray-she's different."

"Different?" Stratosphere repeated.

I glanced over my shoulder into the cargo hold visible through the open door. I could see Ray and Noah were sitting side-by-side, seeming deep in conversation.

"You like her."

"What?" My head whipped round, and I glared at the radio. "Wh-"

"Don't deny the truth, Alex," Stratosphere chuckled. "It's not hard to miss." He questioned, "Did you tell her yet?"

I rested my head on my hands. "No, I just can't muster up enough courage to."

"Why? What's the worst that could happen?"

"Um," I stood up and glared at him. "She laughs? Does she hate me?" I threw my hands up. "Heck she would even stop being friends with Amy and then Any would be mad at me."

"I think you're overthinking Alex," Stratosphere said matter of factly. "Give it time. You'll know when the right time comes and tell her."

Shaking my head, I waved my hand at him. "No, I don't think that will ever happen." I stormed out of the cockpit before he could say another word. He did not understand why it had to be so hard. Why couldn't he just muster up enough courage to tell Ray how much he admired her-how much he always had. Never had he even felt a love for another woman-she was the first and the only one for me.

I should tell her-I should tell her now how much she meant to me-how much I loved her.

Walking towards Noah and Ray I watched as she playfully took the military cap off his head and held it out of his reach. He then decided to start tickling her and she burst into giggles.

My heart began to sink, and I retraced my steps back to the cockpit. I would tell her another time.

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