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Lara's P.O.V

I woke up from the bright light shinning past my curtains, I sat up in my bed and looked around my now bright room and remembered what day it is today, Monday. I hate monday, mainly because its school and another day of dodging Luke. I walked to the living room to see Laura giving me an annoyed look.

"What was that at Luke's Apartment?" She spat, I started to panic until I thought of the perfect excuse.

"It was a stupid dare" I laughed, she just growled

"Well, why did you have to interrupt us?" She sneered, I rolled my eyes and started to make my breakfast. She sighed and started making her breakfast, I ate my toast and quickly packed my bag with the things I need. I picked up my bag and ran to the bus stop, it was freezing today, it was frosty and cold, for Australia.

I sat on the cold bench underneath the frosty bus shelter and waited for my bus to arrive, I opened up my phone to see several messages from Claire, Maali, Calum, Ashton, Michael, Julia and of course Luke. I read the first message that went into a group chat with Claire, Maali, Michael, Ashton and Julia. They were all talking about this concert Ashton organised, he invited us all and he already bought all the tickets.


Ashton: hey guys, I bought tickets to all time low for all of us, who's in?


Michael: Yes omg, Ill bring pizza!

Calum: I'm so in, and Michael I think you need a diet on the pizza, pizza is literally all you eat :/

Maali: Im in and Michael, Calum is right, I dont want a chubby kitten as my boyfriend xD


Maali: Keep telling yourself that ;)

Michael: I am though, I have colourful hair and an eyebrow piercing :(

Maali: Like I said, Keep telling yourself that, your still a soft, fluffy kitten to me :D

Michael: I hate you right now :(

Maali: I'm sure you do ;)

Claire: wait are you serious? WTF YES, OML OML OML YASSSSS

Ashton: Thats great to know, just waiting for Lara

I read all the messages and laughed at Michael and Maali's argument, but I got too side tracked and awkwardly the bus was waiting right in front of me.

"Oh sorry" I say to the bus driver as I get on the bus.

"It fine" He mumbled as I walked onto the heated and nearly empty bus.

I quickly got back on my phone to reply before I got to school.


Me: wtf of course im coming, why wouldn't I?

Ashton: Great, we're all going!

That was the last message I got until the bus finally arrived, I was as per usual the first person at school, no one on my bus went to my high school they would go to some other high school. I walked towards my locker until I saw someone by my locker wearing a red flannel and black ripped skinny jeans, Luke. I instantly turned around once I realised it was him, but it was too late.


A/N: Hi guys, sorry for the long wait, I've been busy with 'studying' for the big exams and I've been stressing. So now I have a 4 day weekend, YAY! So I guess I can update more often :)

-Lara x

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