Twenty three

150 14 10

Luke's P.O.V (FINALLY)

"Lara!" I called, she suddenly stopped and I heard her let out a loud sigh.
"What?" She spat, I looked into her eyes that had a bothered look.
"Let me explain" I say, she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.
"Ok, talk" She sighs, I breath in.
"I don't want Laura to know because I found out that she cheated on me while she was drunk and after she did that she started harming herself" I said, I held my breath as I waited for her response, she looked at me like I was crazy and it looked like she was thinking.
"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" She asked with an concerned tone in her voice.

"You wouldn't listen" I yelled, louder than I planned, she looked frightened by my anger as she jumped in fright.
"YOU WOULD NEVER LISTEN, I TRIED TO TELL YOU BUT YOU JUST KEPT ON HURTING ME AND I COULDN'T HANDLE YOU NOT LISTENING, I LOVED YOU AND YOU WOULD NEVER ACCEPT THAT, AFTER ALL I HAVE DONE TO GET US TOGETHER YOU HURT ME AGAIN AND AGAIN LARA, I JUST DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH US ANYMORE" I yelled even louder, she looked even more frightened as tears started trickling down her soft cheeks, her eyes staring into mine as she stood there in shock, I don't know why I did it and she now looks sad and frighten as her mouth opened to say something but she closed it.

"I'm sorry-" She started
"SORRY ISN'T ENOUGH" I interrupted, more tears trickled down her wet cheeks, she looked down at her feet awkwardly.
"Do you know how hard it is to be dating a guy who is dating another girl?" She asked
"Its not nice to see her all over you and you all over her" She said, now making me feel bad.
"And when you made out with my sister to help me escape, i was fine with that. But to see you still making out with her after I left, now that hurt Luke. Its so hard to love you, because although you deny it, you still have feelings for my sister. You claim she is a heartless bitch, and there is no doubt that i don't agree, but its so hard to love you when your trying not to hurt someone else."

"Lara." I sighed. "Forget it Luke." She responded, the bitterness present in her tone. She turned to walk away, but I grabbed her arm. "Please listen to me." I pleaded. She just gave me a glare and pulled out of the grip that i was holding her in.

A/N: sorry for the long wait, I've been v v sick, like vomiting and everything so yeah, I would like to say thanks to dreamingcalm for helping me with this chapter because I was sick and too tired to think so yeah, I'll update soon. P.S JUST BEFORE I PUBLISHED THIS I GOT 2000 VIEWS OML WTF, THANK YOU UGHHH YAY!!!!

-Lara x

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