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Josh's POV

"Wait, so what are you doing tonight?" Jake asked, trying to catch up.

"None of your business." I said.

"Josh." He said, giving me a tired look.

"I got a few ideas, nothing too solid. I want to do what she wants to." I said.

"Jesus, you're in love with her already." Jake laughed, making me roll my eyes at him.

"I'm not 'in love,' with her — "

"But, you're almost in love with her." He said, cutting me off. "I've never seen you act like this with a girl. You stayed the night at her house the other day, and now, you're taking her on a date."

"It's not a date, for one." I said, correcting him.

"You're focusing on that, Josh?" He asked. "And, it basically is. You're freaking out like it's a date."

"I'm not even remotely freaking out." I said.

"That's besides the point, okay? Let's focus on the fact that you're constantly talking about her, constantly thinking about her, and jumping at the bit to go see her." Jake listed, causing me to force down the smile I was growing.

"You make it sound like I'm obsessed." I said.

"You are, you're utterly obsessed with her." He said, a smirk laid on his lips.

"Well, once again, do you blame me?" I smiled, causing him to laugh at me.

"As long as you're happy." He said. "Have you told her about the tour yet?"

"I mentioned it." I said. "I just don't know what to do about it. I don't want to ask her on a date, just to leave."

"We're not leaving forever." Jake said. "We're opening, playing smaller gigs."

"But we're not gonna be home nearly as much. To be honest with you, if I start anything with her, I don't think I can be without her for that long." I explained. That had been wearing on me a lot when Lynna came to mind.

"Well, then we can take her with us." Jake shrugged.

"I tried. I 'joked' with her about going with us, but she can't do it. She's got a job, rent, a cat." I sighed.

"We can take the cat." Jake said, not questioning it. "But, I get what she means."

"I know, and it fucking sucks. I would say we could pay her rent, but we struggle to pay ours sometimes." I said, feeling pity for myself. "I don't know what to do."

"Enjoy it while you're here. It's not like we're gonna leave, and she's just gonna stop talking to you. I think that she likes you just as much as you like her." He said, making me feel a bit more hopeful. "And plus, it's not like she can't come to our shows. We'll have lots near here, we could hangout with her for a week or so, tour, do it again."

"You're right." I smiled. "That doesn't mean I'm gonna do anything, but it makes me feel a bit better."

"You're welcome." He said. "When did you say you were gonna get her?"

"Shit." I said, looking at the time. "This is your fault."

"You were just thanking me!" He cried, laughing at my rushing.

"That was before you made me late!" I said.

"Shutup and go get your girlfriend." He laughed. I hurried out, making my way down to her apartment.

I knocked on the door, waiting for any signs of life. I stuck my ear to the door, hearing music lightly playing.

I nearly fell over when she opened the door.

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