It Has Begun

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Multiple police officers are gathered at the abandoned motel in Shizuoka. They got a tip from one of their informants that they might spot Moonknight hideout. The informant says that the Burning Man often to landed on this building and come out at night. So they gather a small task force to apprehend him filled with multiple heroes such as Backdraft, Manual, Death Arms, Rocklock, Crust, and other police officers. They're all ready to infiltrate the building and caught this man.

"Are you sure he's in there?" Death Arms asked while walking into the building.

"Yes sir, sector car spotted Moonknight entering the building in an hour ago. He hasn't left." the officer said with his gun and flashlight pointing at the front.

They continue to walk to the building. It was dark with barely any light except the flashlight from the police officers. They walked upstairs quietly not wanting to alert any attention and lose the element of surprise. And when they reached the third floor, they moved to the right and headed to room 318 where they were told about his location.

"Alright, safety's off," Rocklock told the rest of the officers in the back and they nodded.

Death Arms went to the door and break with down with his punch and the rest of the officers walked in with their guns ready to shoot only to find an empty room with a single bed and a light hanging on the ceiling. There's no furniture or anything in the room except there are a hundred pro hero pictures on the wall with some of them being crossed off. But the most disturbing one was a picture of All Might with a burn hole in his eyes, clearly showing the hatred he had for him.

"He's not here," Manual said.

"Search the other room on this floor, and do a full sweep of this building, he has to be here somewhere." Death Arms said and the rest of the officers went to the other rooms to check on him.

Then suddenly they heard a ringing coming from a phone on the bed. Death Arms walked forward and picked up the phone. He looked at it and it says that the caller is unknown. He pressed the call and answered the phone.

"Who is this?" he asked only to hear heavy breathing coming from the end of the call.

"That's a lot of trouble to go to for a prank." Rocklock stands on his behind while looking at the phone.

Then suddenly the entire building has gone completely dark with no light. They heard the sound of switches clatter as the officers who were on the fourth and fifth floors stopped in their tracks.

The heroes who are still in the room, which are Crust, Death Arms, and Rocklock are looking around thinking that Burning Man is gonna come out to attack them blindly. Then suddenly a small harmless explosion is coming from the wall where the picture was coming from and it's replaced with a fire writing on the wall that says "It Has Begun".

 Then suddenly a small harmless explosion is coming from the wall where the picture was coming from and it's replaced with a fire writing on the wall that says "It Has Begun"

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The Fist of Vengenance: MoonknightWhere stories live. Discover now