Chapter 41

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I am happy to report that for a number of years things were copacetic. We rarely heard anything regarding Hell, aside from the occasional meddling and skirmishes here and there. It was, in my book, a welcome change in pace.

I spent my days happily doing as I saw fit. The days of checking in with Mikha'el were long past, so I created my own itinerary from day to day. I hated stagnation, so I made sure I was always doing something.

As the years drifted by, I spent a majority of my time taking Malael's son under my wing. After a point I insisted he chose a name for himself, growing tired of calling him either "you" or "child", or referring to him as "child/son of Malael". He agreed, albeit somewhat reluctantly. After a process (that I felt was overly complicated; I wish he would have just opened a book of names, put one hand over his eyes, pointed randomly, and be done with it) he declared himself Zeraelgreus.

At first he wanted to name himself something that started with sera-. While I was flattered, I strongly suggested he not do that. It wasn't even a matter of fearing idol worship—I simply didn't feel I deserved that honor. So, instead he settled for Zeraelgreus. He had, by happenstance, met Zagreus, prince of the Underworld, son of Hades and Persephone. They became fast friends, so he chose the name as homage to his friend, his angel father (Aelgurus), and me.

He goes by Zera for short.

My name is sometimes mispronounced as Sarah (instead of SEE-rah, or SEAR-ah). Which sounds like Zera bit. It gets confusing sometimes when we're together to both our chagrin.

But I digress. Zera is a good man. I have come to view him as a surrogate son. His mother and I have become very close, a strong platonic love as deep as the platonic love I feel towards Mikha'el and Auriel. I eat a meal with them at least once a week, more often time permitting. This stands to this day.

So far as I know, no one besides Mikha'el and myself knows of his mixed status. I still fear for his safety, so, aside you, dear reader, no one else knows he is a angel-demon-human hybrid. There has never been an instance that would make me take pause with him, nor question his motives. I know in my heart of hearts he is good, and only wants what's best for everyone.

I truly do love him like my own child. As such, it was lovely to go hundreds of years by his side, playing domestic with Malael and Zera, overseeing jobs here and there, and commanding garrisons when called for. I should have logically known that the peace would not last, not with Lucifer still alive and kicking. What happened shouldn't have surprised me so much. It shouldn't have broken my soul so badly.

Then again, I was stupid to think Mikha'el would be at my side, forever and always.

Oh, what a naive bastard I was.


We were preoccupied with Christmas. That was when the attack happened.

Soon the screams coming from legions of angels caught everyone's attention. Using my angelic vision, I looked at the commotion coming from the Gates. Even so, it was a good distance away, and I couldn't see very well.

I didn't need eyesight though. I felt the corruption coil around me. I knew something was wrong—seriously wrong—because God abruptly vanished.

I looked over at Mikha'el. Many of us were pulling put our weapons already. Mikha'el unfurled all six wings, and with a flash of yellow light, he was in his golden armor. He crossed both arms and drew his swords from mid-air, as though they had been strapped to his sides this entire time. He gave me a brief glance, smiled, and then winked.

"Last one there buys the next round of wine tonight."

He took off towards the Gates of Heaven, and I was hot on his heels.

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