Invisible Chapter 1

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In this low position, I learned to become invisible. I moved here about three months ago and became a cleaning lady for the rich. I only come when no one is home. When working, I follow a few simple rules.

Don't make eye contact if someone comes home while I am cleaning. Make their homes look like nobody lived there. Finish quickly and leave no evidence that I had been there.

I'm Rachel, a single mom to my amazing son. I moved from Canada to Seoul, South Korea, to escape my abusive ex-boyfriend. Since I'm still learning Korean, nobody pays attention to me. To be honest, it can get lonely sometimes.

It's not that Koreans aren't nice. It's just that I am in a new place, and I can sometimes be intimidating. All I do is work, care for my son, watch Kdramas, and fangirl over BTS. A lot of the time, I'm comfortable being alone.

Don't get me wrong. I love talking and having fun, but I'm closed off after dealing with my ex. I moved to Seoul, hoping for a new start. Based on what I saw on TV, Korea seemed like a fun place to live.

Since moving, I've learned that no matter how far you run, you take all your problems with you. Living in Korea has helped me see that l needed to work on myself. I've been doing that a lot since I arrived here. Being alone has helped me learn to love myself.

My son, who is seven, is going to an international elementary school. At first, I was worried, but he is thriving in his new environment. He speaks Korean almost fluently, which amazes me. Luckily, we moved here early enough that his grades didn't suffer too much. He has almost caught up to the other kids.

I'm happy and safe, and so is he; that's all that matters. There is no room for dating in my life. After my ex, I'm too scared to let anyone in. Living in a foreign country doesn't help either. Surprisingly, I'm happy staying single.

In fact, I am doing better alone. That's part of the reason I haven't been looking for love. I don't have any weird fantasies about being in a Kdrama-style romance. Or that I would meet bts. I came here for a fresh start with a new peaceful life.

However, the universe had other plans. Love comes when you least expect it. That's how our story began. I never would have imagined it would be him, of all people. He noticed me when I was trying so hard to be invisible.

I'm just a housekeeper. My boss constantly reminds me that I have to be completely invisible. He reminds me that if I see the homeowner, I am to leave as quickly as possible. I'm not allowed to make eye contact with them. I'm to speak quietly and keep my head down.

I've been cleaning one house I heard was owned by a famous musician. I don't really care. I just clean it. The owner is never home when I'm there, and I only clean that house once a week. I have to clean many houses, and I'm getting used to acting invisible.

Being invisible in Korea became normal to me as a foreigner. My Korean is terrible, even though I try my best. My boss sends me a text telling me the musician had a change in his schedule and I would need to clean his house tonight instead. I rush to get ready and find a babysitter for my son.

I arrive at the house and begin to clean quickly. It took all night, but I'm finally almost finished. As I'm finishing up vacuuming, I hear a sound. It's the front door!

Panic flutters through me as I turn off the vacuum. After I grab all my things, I head to the door. I silently slip on my shoes and turn to leave. Before I can process what's happing, I walk face-first into someone's chest. Embarrassed, I bashfully look up.

My eyes nearly pop out of my head. Standing before me is Min Yoongi from BTS. As an army, standing so close to him, staring into his eyes is a dream come true.

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