Invisible Chapter 22

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   The room is so silent that all I can hear is the machine next to me beeping. Every little beep drills holes in my skull. I guess this is why so many people hate hospitals. I've been admitted due to malnourishment and dehydration.

It's been half an hour since I called JK and asked him to come here. A knock raps against the door, and worried doe eyes peek around the corner. After I motion for him to come in, he steps in and shuts the door behind himself. With hesitant steps, he moves closer to my bedside table.

"Hey, Noona. Are you okay?" His eyes scan over me, searching for injuries.

I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine." Due to the exhaustion that is evident on my face, Jungkook gives me a skeptical look.

Cutting to the chase, I blurt, "I need to have a meeting with the Maknae line."

Hearing me refer to him and his brothers as the Maknae line, he flashes me his famous bunny grin. Even as he laughs, his dark eyes are still laced with concern. Finally loosening up, he takes a seat in the chair beside my bed. The hospital room feels a bit more comfortable in his presence.

Jungkook lazily stretches out. "Okay, I can make that happen. When are you going home?"

I lean back in the bed. "I think they'll only keep me here for a few more hours."

"I'll stay with you and then drive you home," he offers. "I have nothing better to do anyway."

"I mean... you could go live and spend time with ARMY." I tease him.

He laughs and brushes some stray hairs away from his face. "Hey now, don't give me any ideas."

I laugh at him and roll my eyes. His relaxed demeanour has chased away my tiredness. With him around, the next few hours until I'm discharged fly by. We're still laughing even as we try to sneak to his car without being seen.

The next day, I anxiously wait for Jungkook, Jimin, and Tae to arrive at my apartment. All they were told was that I needed to talk to them about something important concerning Yoongi and Namjoon. To avoid public attention, our meeting time was set to late at night. There's a quiet knock on my door, and I let them in.

The three men sit on my couch. Their eyes follow me as I pace in front of the coffee table. They patiently wait for me to speak. Finally, I swallow down my nerves and stop in front of them.

"Thank you guys for coming. I really appreciate it." My voice trembles slightly.

Here goes nothing, I guess. I take a deep breath and slowly let it out. "I need to tell you something. You cannot tell anyone else. Not even the others."

Tae's eyes narrow as he looks at me suspiciously. Jimin looks like he's about to burst with excitement—excited to finally be part of some juicy gossip. Jungkook sits quietly as he processes my words. Their watchful eyes do nothing to calm my anxiety.

I take another deep breath. "I'll just give it to you straight." All three heads bob eagerly.

"I'm pregnant." I blurt.

Three distinctive, exaggerated gasps fill the silence. JK immediately zones out, lost deep in thought. Jimin rushes to me, whisper-shouting "OMG" over and over.

"You're having Yoongi's baby? Does he know? Really... a baby? I love babies." Jimin excitedly bombards me with questions.

I watch as he paces around my living room, seeming to be planning my child's future in his head. Little do they know, I'm about to drop an even bigger bombshell on their unsuspecting heads. They all should be sitting down for this next part. Waving my hands to the couch, I try to motion for them to sit back down.

Map of the Soul 7 Saga Book 1 - InvisibleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora