Invisible Chapter 7

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Considering yesterday's events, today so far has been utterly normal. Yesterday put some things into perspective for me. While I have a job where I need to be invisible, I don't have to be invisible outside of work. I am not an invisible human.

I am worthy of love. After my breakdown, I started a new daily routine. I recite daily affirmations alongside my morning prayers and meditation. From now on, I'll try to grow my self-esteem.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

It's been a few weeks since I last ran into Yoongi. I had successfully managed to clean his house and get out before he came home. He's probably been busy, especially since he's supposed to leave for the military soon. BigHit has officially announced his enlistment.

When I saw the announcement, I couldn't help but feel sad. It's been a few weeks, and the exact date he goes into training hasn't been announced. Part of me hopes that I'll have a chance to say goodbye. It's just another delusional thought I frequently have.

Still, I held hope deep down close to my heart. Even though I still haven't seen him, I have hope. Every day, the hope diminishes slightly. I just put a smile on my face and continue with my day.

Acting like his absence doesn't bother me is a necessity. After all, my ARMY feelings must be shoved to the back of my head when I work. It's not like I have anyone to rant to. Nobody knows I work for Yoongi.

I don't have friends in Seoul. My friends on TikTok don't know about Yoongi, and neither does my family. The only people that know are Min-Jun, BTS, and me. I'm kind of glad no one knows.

This little secret of mine is exciting. Many other ARMYs could only ever dream of meeting BTS and getting to know them. Somehow, I've become lucky enough to experience this literal dream come true. It's a secret I will gladly take to my grave.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I slip into my shoes. Today is Friday, and some women from my cleaning company invited me out with them. The babysitter is in the kitchen, and Hudson is sleeping.

Walking out the door, I dig in my purse to find my keys. My face collides with a rigid body. Startled, I look up. Dark brown eyes meet my gaze. Yoongi steps back, and his eyes lazily travel up and down my body, taking in my appearance.

"Wow, you clean up nice," he smirks. "You look amazing."

My eyes widen in shock. "What are you doing here?" I whisper, trying not to draw attention.

"Well, it's Friday. I thought maybe you'd wanna come out with me and some friends." He shrugs nonchalantly.

Trying not to show my surprise, I focus my attention on scoping out our surroundings. At the end of the hall, Yoongi's security stands guard. All of my neighbors' doors are shut, and it's just us and the guards in the hallway. Any minute that could change, though.

"What if someone sees you?" I hiss as I pull him into my apartment.

Yoongi's bodyguard suddenly appears in my doorway. The burly man is agitated by my actions. His eyes flicker between me and Yoongi. Yoongi just stands there unbothered.

"Don't worry about it," I assure the guard. "My son is asleep, and the babysitter is working on her college essay in the kitchen."

I turn my attention back to Yoongi. "Seriously, are you crazy? What if someone saw you standing at my door?"

Yoongi shifts his weight to his left leg and crosses his arms. "No one is going to see me. I know what I'm doing. I-"

"You're a little too casual. Yoongi, you are literally one of the most famous people on the planet. You just had to show up at my house! What if I had guests over or if my son was awake?" I whisper yell, interrupting him.

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