Invisible Chapter 17

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 The past few days with Yoongi have been amazing. Our relationship has grown stronger. I no longer feel the impending doom I once did about Yoongi's enlistment. With his past shoulder injury, Yoongi will be a social service agent.

He'll have a regular 9-5 job. This means I'll still be able to see him. When I found out about his alternative work, a giant weight was lifted off my shoulders. I'm glad he'll be safe and not straining his mind and body. He still has to do a few weeks of training, but not until later.

Now, the only stress I had was Namjoon. He has tried to call me a couple of times in the past few days. Numerous apologies sit in our text conversation unanswered. I'm still avoiding him.

Since Yoongi is starting his service in a week, the guys decided to throw him a not-going away party. But before the party, they all wanted to go out for dinner. We'd go to a nice restaurant, and then go to Yoongi's to party. The thought of spending the night around Namjoon still makes me nervous. A bad feeling has been slowly building in my gut the closer we get to the party.

On a side note, I have finally decided to introduce Hudson to Yoongi. The dinner with guys would be perfect to do so. Yesterday, I brought my idea up to them, and they all excitedly agreed. They have been dying to meet him officially.

I came up with the idea to act like we just happened to run into them at the restaurant. Since Hudson is so young, I'm worried he will spill the beans about BTS to his classmates. This led to the decision to act like I'd never met BTS before. The guys agreed to play along.

"Hudson, let's go out for lunch," I say, pulling his attention away from his toys. "It's a nice day, and I want to go out. What do you say?"

"Sure, Mommy." He happily agrees. "I love eating at restaurants."

Hudson stands up from the floor and skips over to the door to put his shoes on. He's so adorable; I can't help but smile at him. The restaurant is nearby, so we decided to walk. The entire walk, Hudson's tiny hand was wrapped around mine.

Once inside the restaurant, the waitress sat us at a large table. This was preplanned. This waitress was in on our plan. Hudson looks at the table, confused. Luckily, the waitress jumps into her script.

"Sorry, we don't have any small tables available. They are all reserved already. You may have to share your table if a group comes in. I hope that's okay."

I nod. "That's fine. We don't mind."

The door to the restaurant opens. Jimin, JK, and V walk in. Namjoon and Yoongi closely follow behind them. Hudson's eyes light up when he sees them.

"Mom," he whispers to me. "It's BTS. Looks, there's Jungkook!"

I keep my voice low but smile down at him. "Yes, you're right. How exciting! Let's be polite and not make a scene, though. Okay?"

When I look back up, Yoongi is staring at me. I secretly shoot him a wink. The corners of Yoongi's mouth tug into a smile. He quickly remembers our plan and looks away.

It hasn't even been five minutes and the plan has almost been ruined. The guys are supposed to pretend not to see us. Unfortunately, the slip-up didn't go unnoticed by Hudson. His tiny elbow nudges my side.

"Mom, I think Yoongi looked at us!" His excitement made his voice raise a little bit.

Luckily, no one around us heard. I smile at him and play along. "That's so cool!"

Our waitress approaches the guys. She intentionally talks loud enough for us to hear their conversation. "I'm so sorry, guys. The only table we have available is that big one over there. You'd have to share with those two.

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