Invisible Chapter 20

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Tonight, Namjoon is taking me to the museum after it closes. We are taking a bus to get there because Namjoon likes to save the environment. I admire that about him. Hopefully, the bus won't be too crowded this time of night.

Since I didn't want to draw attention to myself, I put on a cute T-shirt that says Namjooning on it. This will probably make Namjoon laugh. I pair the shirt with light blue jeans and a leather jacket. Of course, I put on a cute mask to hide my face.

Once ready, I walk out the door to meet Namjoon at the bus stop. With the sun setting, a cool breeze whips through the street. As the cold sets in, so does the loneliness. My heart yearns for Yoongi.

Every day, guilt eats away at me. I stop walking to take a deep breath. Yoongi still hasn't reached out to me. I pull my phone out to see if he's read my messages. It's a new habit I've recently developed.

Our chat remains unchanged. Frowning, I shove my phone back into my pocket and try my best to push Yoongi to the back of my mind. The rest of the way to the bus stop, I try to excite myself about going to the museum. Once the bus stop comes into view, my mood lightens.

Namjoon is standing next to the bus stop, accompanied by Mr. Lee. He's wearing a black bucket hat and mask. The sight makes me chuckle. He stands out even if he's trying to blend in.

I wave at Namjoon to catch his attention, and he nods to me. Picking up my pace slightly, I trot over to him. Mr. Lee gives us some more space. Namjoon's eyes become little crescents as he smiles at me.

"Hey, Rachel." He greets me. "Ready for a great night?"

"I guess," I sigh.

"Aw, cheer up, Butter Cup." Namjoon chuckles and nudges me with his elbow.

With wide eyes, I look up at him. "So we are doing nicknames now? Aye, Joonie."

Namjoon laughs at my joke. "Yes, I guess we are."

The bus pulls up, and we walk on. Much to my dismay, it's busier than I was hoping it would be. There are no seats left, so I stand next to a wall. Namjoon stands in front of me, and Mr. Lee is close to Namjoon.

The distance between me and Namjoon shrinks as more people cram into the bus. Surely, there has to be some kind of capacity restrictions, right? Namjoon is so close I can feel his breath fan across my forehead when he looks down at me. His rich, earthy scent engulfs me.

My cheeks heat up. We are close; I could easily lift my arms and hug him. I'm so grateful my mask hides my blush so Namjoon can't see it. If he noticed, I'd probably die from embarrassment.

Why am I feeling like this? Lately, Namjoon has been invading my thoughts more frequently. My mind jumps back to the day Namjoon posted a picture of himself shirtless at the gym. Once again, my cheeks burn red.

Ducking my head, I try to hide the fact I'm slowly losing it. Oh god, Rachel, how can you be like this? As I'm lost in my lustful thoughts of Namjoon, someone pushes into us. I look up to see what is going on.

Namjoon's face is so close to mine that our noses brush each other's. Both of our eyes widen in unison. We gaze into each other's eyes. Only a few seconds pass, but it feels like an eternity.

Forcing his eyes away, Namjoon clears his throat. "Sorry." He whispers.

"It's okay," I whisper back. "It's crowded in here."

He nods. "Yeah, I didn't think about that."

The rest of the ride is uneventful. We hop off at a bus stop a block away from the museum. As soon as we get off the bus, Namjoon, Mr. IQ of 148, comes alive. He begins rattling off about the history of Korea and all of its wonders.

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